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Student Conduct

The Office of Student Life is responsible for the administration of the Student Conduct System. The goals of the Student Conduct System are to:
  1. Promote a safe living and learning environment that is consistent with the mission of Santa Clara University, and
  2. Promote the personal growth of those who commit a violation by focusing on accountability, awareness, concern, commitment, and contrition.

The Student Conduct System is designed to engage students in reflection about their behavior and its impact on self, others, and the community as a whole, thereby challenging students to ask themselves how their choices are consistent with being the person they want to be now and in the future.

Our document, The Ignatian Approach: Pedagogical Paradigm and the Student Conduct Process, is a document that hearing officers use to guide their work with each student who has a conduct hearing. Through the conduct process, hearing officers consider:

  1. the context of the situation for the persons involved (including any victims),
  2. the experience of the student through the conduct process,  
  3. the means to engage the student in reflection about the misconduct
  4. action(s) that can be taken to motivate the student to repair any harms and commit themselves to behave differently in the future, and
  5. how to promote an awareness of personal growth on the behalf of the student.

The fundamental question that is asked of each student is “Quo Vadis?” (Where are you going?) - How are your current decisions promoting or hindering your ability to achieve your goals?

Peer Conduct Board

The Peer Conduct Board allows students to be involved in the conduct process of the school. It's important not only for the students involved on the board to have a say in the process, but for the students who go before the board to hear from their peers. As students, we all hold ourselves to the same standards to allow us to learn, enjoy our time at college, and grow as individuals. The Peer Conduct Board gives students the chance to do all of that. 

Click here to access the Community Standards and Student Conduct Code

Student Handbook