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Engineering Connections

The School of Engineering Advisory Board presents

Engineering Connections Logo. Multiple people of all backgrounds in the color of the Pride flag with conversation bubbles above their heads.

The objective of these events is to further strengthen our SCU network by fostering a sense of community with current students and alumni/ae and creating a network of mentoring relationships among our engineering family. They are interactive sessions where relevant topics are explored and discussed by a panel of SCU alumni/ae accompanied by attendee participation in a Q&A session.

Missed our first session?

Check out the video below, recorded April 13, 2021.

"The Importance of Networking & Building your Personal Support System"

Contact Us

Santa Clara University
School of Engineering
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
Sobrato Discovery, Bldg. 402

408-554-5474 fax

Engineering Advisory Board

ASEE Diversity Recognition Program: Bronze Level: 2021-2023