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  • Networking the Positive

    Bianca De La Piedra ’17 carves out a new path through an internship with the Positive Women Network USA.

  • Boosting Small Businesses

    SCU undergraduate business students help business owners make improvements most fitting their needs and their customers.

  • Coming to Terms with Culture Shock

    Kelly McGonigle, along with other sophomores and juniors of all majors, got a chance to expand his knowledge and experience abroad through a nine-month multi-disciplinary leadership program.

  • Fraud Detectors

    Navigating ethics and compliance in a Silicon Valley giant—all in a day’s work for students through the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.


  • Fear Fighters

    Virtual reality gear is cool for games. But these young innovators show that it can also be used to help people overcome phobias.


  • Molecules and Mountains

    Can the growth of an Alaskan mountain range affect the weather in California? Sean Reilly ’16 is finding out.