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Department ofArt and Art History


New Year Accomplishments by Leticia Rios Rodriguez

In 2019, Leticia participated in two international conferences. The first was the biennial conference on Iranian Studies held at the University of St. Andrews, UK (April 12-14) where she presented on research dealing with Achaemenid Persian influence in Archaic East Greek funerary art. The second conference was on sanctuaries and cults in the Aegean, held on the island of Lemnos, Greece (September 11-15), where Leticia presented her research on the Sanctuary of Aphrodite at the ancient site of Miletus, in Turkey.

 Leticia R. Rodriguez

She kicked off 2020 by presenting at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Washington D.C. (January 2-5), where she discussed her preliminary research on a non-canonical sculptural fragment from Samos, Greece and how it presents us with an opportunity to problematize our current museological discourses with regard to the display of ancient Greek and Near Eastern art. She also began the year by completing an online certificate program (in Turkish) on “Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey” (SARAT), through Istanbul’s Koç University and the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.

