Office of Student Fellowships

The Office of Student Fellowships at Santa Clara was established in 2005 to provide the central management and administrative responsibility for advising students about a wide variety of highly competitive external fellowships, scholarships, awards, and prizes requiring university nomination, endorsement, or review. The Office of Student Fellowships mentors and advises students about their academic, service, and volunteer work in pursuit of the more than 25 named fellowships for which Santa Clara students are eligible (Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, Goldwater, Truman, and Udall, for example) as well as provides direct support for potential candidates in the application process.

The Office of Student Fellowships responds to two principles of Jesuit education. The first, cura personalis (personal care), reflects a deep respect for the individual and that person's potential. The second, magis ("striving for the more"), calls on students to do their very best and always to strive for personal excellence. The Office of Student Fellowships helps extraordinary students do extraordinary things.

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