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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofEconomics


Top Teaching Scholars for 2017

Professors Michael Kevane and Bill Sundstrom received a Curriculum Innovation award at this year's SCU faculty award ceremony.

Recognizing outstanding faculty contributions in teaching, research, and service 

One of the marvelous traditions of the beginning of the academic year is celebrating the achievements of the faculty who so profoundly shape the University. Santa Clara University celebrated their achievements with a faculty award ceremony on campus on September 12. The ceremony was hosted by President Michael Engh, S.J. and Provost Dennis C. Jacobs.  

The Brutocao Family Foundation Award for Curriculum Innovation 

Michael Kevane, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics 
Bill Sundstrom, Professor in the Department of Economics

Michael Kevane (above) and Bill Sundstrom (right) have changed the way econometrics and data analysis is taught to economics majors. Kevane and Sundstrom launched a pilot program at SCU using R software for statistical computing, the leading-edge program found extensively in Silicon Valley businesses. Classes were revamped, syllabi changed, YouTube videos created, and a new lab class designed—in part to emphasize real world data, making graduates job-market ready. SCU now offers a follow-up upper division course studying even more advanced econometrics. The success of this program has been shared across campus—from business to social sciences and the humanities. Graduates have reported more interviews and job offers because of their familiarity with R software.


This piece is an excerpt from Top Teaching Scholars for 2017, originally published by Santa Clara University.

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Associate Professor of Economics Michale Kevane, recipient of the Brutocao Family Foundation Award for Curriculum Innovation.