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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


Master Your Major Decision

As the school year progresses, sophomores will be choosing the majors that they will pursue for their undergraduate careers. Considering the importance of this decision, we asked LSB Peer Advisors for their advice on selecting a major.

As the school year progresses, sophomores will be choosing the majors that they will pursue for their undergraduate careers. Considering the importance of this decision, we asked LSB Peer Advisors for their advice on selecting a major.

Daniela Lorenz, a senior Finance major from Denver, Colorado, gave two pieces of critical advice. First, she says that students should not feel pressure to choose a major early in the year. She recommend that sophomores take a variety of classes over the year to see what fits their skills and interests. In addition, Daniela insists that students should be open-minded and choose a major based on their passions. In her own experience, Daniela thought that she wanted to be an accounting major but switched majors when she realized that she enjoyed another subject more. Instead, she says that students should choose a major that fits their interests, regardless of future job prospects.

Laura Hyslop, a senior Finance major from Los Angeles, California, recommends taking advantage of all of the resources that SCU has to offer. This includes taking career aptitude tests at the Career Center, meeting with department chairs or professors, reading entry level job descriptions for specific majors, and reading class descriptions on the SCU website. Laura adds that ACE is also a very useful network. Sophomores can set up informational interviews with alumni, ask their buddies about how they chose their majors, and meet with Brenda and Jack to discuss career interests. 

With our LSB Peer Advisors’ advice in mind, ACE sophomores can now feel more confident in their major decisions!