Clovis Karam has a Ph.D. in Scholastic Philosophy & Religious Studies from the Catholic University of Lyon-France (1985), and another Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Lyon III France (1982). Karam has a long teaching, research, and conferencing experience in the field of Humanities in different languages, countries, and universities worldwide.
According to the Bulletin of the Catholic University of Lyon (1982), Karam is one of the few scholars that have demonstrated extensive knowledge and research in the fields of Comparative Middle Eastern Religions, Cultures, Mythologies, Semitic languages, and Philosophies. Karam is the founder and Research Director of the "Phoenician Aramaic Research Center" and a member of SAMR, Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions.
He pioneered with GETT program, “Global Education Thru Technology”, and paired via video conferences, accredited courses on “Cultural Diversity” with universities from around the globe.
Karam was elected as the Senior Administrator for (WLCU) the World Lebanese Cultural Union, for the North American-Lebanese Diaspora. He is also affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and Saint Vincent De Paul, both Catholic community charitable organizations based in Elk Grove California.
Karam is an active member of (CISA) Center for Interfaith Studies in America, that strives to bridge different religious communities together.
Recently, Karam has published a trilogy in French on the Phoenicians. According to critics, his genomic approach for establishing a new hermeneutic to the deciphering of the Semitic Religious Genius and Monotheism constitutes a very daring and ambitious project.