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Policy 301 - Attendance and Punctuality

301. Attendance and Punctuality


The University depends on employees to report to work regularly and on time. It is the responsibility of employees to notify their supervisor of any expected leaves, absences, or tardiness. In the event of an unexpected absence it is the responsibility of the employee to stay in contact with the supervisor. Departments are responsible for establishing call-in or lateness procedures, to meet operational needs.


Absence Notification

Employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor of absences:

Absence Without Notification

Employees who do not notify their supervisor of unscheduled absences may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. More than three consecutive workdays absence without notice is considered job abandonment. The department may terminate the employee at the close of business on the third day. Job abandonment is treated as a voluntary resignation.

Lateness Notification

Employees must follow department call-in procedures to notify the department of the reason for lateness and expected arrival time. Excessive unexcused tardiness may be cause for discipline.

Recording Absences

All absences must be recorded and reported:

Recording Lateness

Departments may allow non-exempt employees to make up time, permit the employee to use available paid leave, or deduct pay for time missed due to lateness. Time reported should reflect the lateness accordingly:


Individual departments are responsible for establishing protocols for absence notification. It is the responsibility of supervisors and employees to comply with the guidelines in this policy.


Contact Human Resources if you have questions or if you would like more information about this policy. See also Vacation (612), Sick Leave (613), and other paid or unpaid leave policies.

Policy Approved: October 23, 1998

Last Updated: October 28, 1998

Last Reviewed: June 30 2022

Maintainer: Human Resources

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