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The Thriving Neighbors Initiative builds connections between Santa Clara University and its nearby neighborhood, the Greater Washington Community of San Jose. These connections benefit both Greater Washington residents and SCU students.

TNI is impacting lives. Children in Washington Elementary are receiving additional hours of academic enrichment, learning about environmental issues, gardening, and engineering. Parents of the Washington community have access to free legal advice, are learning how to teach their children to read via iPad apps, and are being exposed to the steps needed to get their children into college. SCU students are learning the first-hand realities of immigration and access to quality healthcare as well as how to teach aeronautical engineering to 4th and 5th graders. SCU faculty are deepening their expertise in diverse fields of study -- from education to business to environmental science -- as it is grounded in the realities of the local community.

SCU is committed to continuing to impact lives as it grows and develops as a university through this initiative. A Community Assessment program is underway and is expected to provide the backbone of impact metrics for Thriving Neighbors.