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Quality Education

Sustainability Strategic Plan | Quality Education

SCU has pioneered a robust sustainability across the curriculum program, but we’ll need everyone’s expertise and contributions to truly solve the climate crisis and build a humane, just, and sustainable world. Students will experience their role in climate action through expanded use of the campus as a living laboratory in all academic disciplines.



  • Expand sustainability across the curriculum
  • Increase the number of scholars engaged in sustainability research
  • Use the campus as a living laboratory to develop sustainable solutions


Mobilize our community to build a more sustainable and resilient world

Achieve 60% of students and employees engaged in sustainable behaviors by 2025
(indicator coming soon!)
purple engagement #sustainableSCU

Achieve 60% of campus organizations practicing sustainable operations by 2030
(indicator coming soon!)
purple engagement #sustainableSCU

Define how we measure student and employee engagement in sustainable behaviors by 2020
(indicator coming soon!)
purple engagement #sustainableSCU

What You Can Do

Get involved!

Download the Sustainability Playbook based on your campus role and choose how you'll contribute. Earn collectable badge (there are 9, collect 'em all!) to show off how you're building a more #SustainableSCU! Check out the Center for Sustainability's Data Hub to see more detail about SCU's sustainability metrics.

Think you're eligible for a Playbook Badge? Fill out this form and tell us your action!

What We're Working On

This implementation roadmap lists strategies that will move us towards achieving our goals and objectives for each of the categories in this section: engagement and academics.