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New Faculty & Staff Positions

The planning and management of human resources is guided by administrative policies and procedures that recognize the interrelationships and interdependence of human resources and financial resources. 

Generally, all continuing and fixed term staff positions are approved through the University’s annual consolidated budget process.  Staff positions may be funded from a general University allocation or from revenue for which a school, center of distinction, or administrative division is responsible.

Fixed term staff positions may be approved through the University’s annual consolidated operating budget process, in conjunction with a grant or designated gift, or by the responsible Vice President, Provost, or President in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures.

The policies and procedures governing the budgeting and approval of staff positions are outlined in the document Approval and Funding of Staff Positions.   

Planning for faculty resources and development of an annual faculty salary budget for each school is conducted in the Provost’s Office.  The policies and procedures governing the budgeting and approval of faculty resources are outlined in the document Faculty Budget Planning & Management Guidelines.