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The Overheard content type is available for the Alumni branch of the web site. It can be used to feature a quote, blog post, social post, video, or image, and can be positioned in any one-column region or a two-column grid.

When you add one or more Overheard content items to a section, or when using the Overheard Carousel display, be sure to also add the "Overheard CSS & Javascript" content type as well - one of these will be needed in the section in order to handle the custom styles and javascript interaction built into the Overheard module.

This page provides examples of the display options in each of the five Overheard content options, and additional pages include examples of the color scheme options and the Overheard carousel.

1. Illuminate blog post

The following settings apply to this Overheard feature type:

  • Quotation Text Size: Default, Large, X-Large
  • Internal/External Link

The Illuminate branding is included by default.

Overheard Link

The maximum length of the longer quote is 160 characters. The font used for this quote is Trade Gothic Light. This is the default style for Illuminate quotes.

Overheard Link

The maximum length of the large text Trade Gothic Bold is 80 characters.

Overheard Link

Maximum length of the extra large text is 60 characters.


2a. Social Post Quote

The following settings apply to this Overheard feature type:

  • Quotation Text Size: Default, Large, X-Large
  • Internal/External Link
  • Social Post Type: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Illuminate

Social Post branding in the caption is included by default.


This is a social post. It includes a quote with social branding in the footer.

Overheard Link

This is a social post. It includes a quote with social branding in the footer.

Overheard Link

This is a social post. It includes a quote with social branding in the footer.

Overheard Link

This is a social post. It includes a quote with social branding in the footer.

5. Quote

Similar to the Illuminate Blog Post feature type, the Quote includes options for font size changes and an optional footer caption.

  • Quotation text
  • Quote text size (default, large, x-large)
  • Caption text (optional)

You can also include attribution text, and change the font style from the default Trade Gothic Light to Trade Gothic Regular.

Overheard Link

The maximum length of the longer quote is 160 characters. The font used for this quote is Trade Gothic Light. This is the default style for quotes.

Optional footer caption text.

Overheard Link

The length of the longer quote with attribution is 130 characters. The font used for this quote is Trade Gothic Light.

— Melanie Borchardt '05
Sacramento Santa Claran of the Year

Overheard Link

The length of the longer quote with attribution is 130 characters. The font used for this quote is Trade Gothic Regular.

— Melanie Borchardt '05
Sacramento Santa Claran of the Year

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