- The State of the Staff Senate Mid-Year Report covering July-December 2022 is now available. Read all about what the Staff Senate has been doing!
- Looking for an ERG Liaison - ASAP! In this role, you will bridge the seven ERG Leads and the Staff Senate Executive Committee. The seven ERGs were developed, launched, and continue to be managed by the Staff Senate. For more information, contact the Staff Senate (staffsenate@scu.edu).
- The UCC Chair, Kieran Sullivan, introduced the proposed amendment to the UPC Charter regarding the membership of the Planning Action Council. See the full text of the proposal and slide deck. A second hearing is scheduled for the February Staff Senate meeting and Senators will vote by eBallot. Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this proposal may be emailed to your Senator, ksullivan@scu.edu, or ucc@scu.edu.
- The Student Body President, Kevin Ham, spoke on how Associated Student Government (ASG) is focusing efforts to secure student representation across the different levels of University Governance (e.g., student panels/reports to the Board and its subcommittees, University Budget Council, Planning Action Council, and co-chair position on Student Affairs Committee). ASG welcomes future collaboration with the Staff Senate to support efforts to increase the agency and voice of students.
- The University Labor Justice Task Force is charged with the duty of finding ways to promote labor justice on campus. Task Force members solicited Staff Senate input on: current labor justice issues that require attention, factors to consider when forming a university policy, and possible challenges that may limit or restrict the university’s ability to adopt a formal just labor policy. The task force plans to release a survey to the campus community.
- A proposal for technical changes to the Staff Senate Bylaws is tentatively scheduled for the February Staff Senate meeting. When was the last time you read the Staff Senate Bylaws? Grab a cup of tea or coffee and spend some time reading the Staff Senate Bylaws, and help recommend changes to improve how the Staff Senate does business.
You don’t have to be a Senator to participate in the Staff Senate. Opportunities abound for Staff to get involved and continue making SCU an even better place to work! The Staff Senate has convened four Working Groups: Staff Benefits, Staff Compensation, Social Media, and Staff Policy Review. Each is a terrific opportunity to get involved and help influence SCU policies that impact staff. Other benefits include building your professional development, learning about collaborative governance, and sharing your expertise in a meaningful way.
If you want to share your talents and knowledge or develop a new professional skill, consider volunteering for one of the Staff Senate Committees: Communications, Election & Bylaws, Events & Service.
If interested, send an email to: staffsenate@scu.edu.
Have you heard about the staff Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)? ERGs are voluntary employee-led groups that serve to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace and help create community amongst individuals with shared identities and lived experiences. A full list of ERGs may be viewed here. If you are interested in joining one or more of these groups or have a suggestion for a new ERG, please complete this form. Any additional questions can be sent to the Staff Senate at staffsenate@scu.edu.
Staff can participate in SCU’s Intramural Sports! For more information on current leagues and tournaments, visit the Campus Recreation web page or the Intramural Sports tab.
- Now - February 10th – Staff Appreciation Grams - Let's spread the love! Send your friend, colleague, boss or pal an appreciation gift! Please fill out this form to send your token of appreciation. You can choose to send Please note, the form will only be active Monday, January 23rd through Friday, February 10th. Items will be delivered the week of February 12th.
- All of February - Go Move Challenge 2023 – Don't forget to sign up for the Go Move Challenge to represent SCU! Looking for motivation, check out this Malley Fitness Center video for all the ways you can get moving in their facility! Register for the GO MOVE Challenge at www.GoMoveChallenge.org.
- Friday, February 10th – Calling all cornhole pro's! Join the Malley Fitness Center Cornhole tournament on Friday, February 10th! Sign up by scanning the attached QR code.

Staff Senate Meeting - Join Us!
Did you set your goals at the Resolution Revolution last month? |