The Staff Senate is pleased to welcome the new 2018-19 academic year senators. We are grateful to the Senate's Bylaws & Elections Committee for conducting the election so effectively.
- Judy Anderson-Hamed, Access Card Office
- Stefani Blanco, Financial Aid Office
- Kelli Bruggeman, Faculty Development
- Kori Lennon, Residence Life
- Leslie Leonetti, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Leah Nakasaki-Peterson, Student Life
- Joe Pereira, Facilities
- Mike Rasay, School of Engineering
- Alma Ruiz, Kids on Campus
- Sarah Tesconi, School of Law
- [Election in progress], University Relations
Staff Survey: Do You Want a Lay President at SCU?
Thank you for participating in the survey. We had nearly 350 responses! We are currently reviewing the results and will share a summary with you shortly in a separate email.
Update from the Staff Senate President
Melissa Brotherton
As my term as Staff Senate President comes to an end, I want to thank the Staff Senate Executive Committee for their support and collaboration and to our senators for their participation, creativity, and hard work. It was truly a team effort! This year the Staff Senate developed a stronger voice on campus while building a reputation as a vital consultative group for important University issues.
I look forward to the leadership of our new 2018-19 President and President-elect, Carly Kobel and Andrew Chai. They’ve already hit the ground running, and I’m confident that they are going to do a great job!
Below are updates from our June 21 meeting:
Staff Housing Assistance Task Force
Members of this task force were appointed in March 2018 and the task force assembled for their first meeting in April. They’ve already conducted research of other higher education institutions and developed a survey to solicit staff feedback (sent to all staff on July 10). The task force will establish the financial framework, estimate the budgetary impact, consult with applicable bodies, and submit the preliminary report with findings and recommendations by December 2018.
The administration has made it a priority to "explore and review both potential short-term and long-term sustainable solutions to the complex housing situation" (email to all staff from COO John Ottoboni on May 24, 2018). The administration is working closely with the task force.
A Special Thanks to Christine Coli
The Special Assistant to Shared Governance, Christine Coli, is leaving her current role and will join the team in the Leavey School of Business. We are grateful for her invaluable support and collaboration with the Staff Senate. The University Coordinating Committee Chair will be hiring her replacement and there is an effort underway to combine Christine's role with the Staff Senate Administrative Assistant to make a full-time position. The new job description and budget approval are currently under review.
Staff Senate 2017-18 End-of-Year Report
The Executive Committee is finalizing the 2017-18 Staff Senate End-of-year report and will send it to all faculty and staff soon. I encourage you to take the time to read about the accomplishments of this year's Staff Senate. In the meantime, I invite you to read the June 21, 2018 meeting minutes for more details.
Thank you for an amazingly productive year!

Staff Benefits (Harold Gutman)
- Championed the formation of the Staff Housing Assistance Program Task Force
- Exploring the process of donating vacation hours
- Drafted a proposal to revise Policy 623 (Staff Community Service Program) and worked with Staff Affairs to put forth a recommendation to the administration
Sustaining Excellence (Andrew Chai)
- HR started implementing the staff compensation market adjustments
- Awaiting invitation from Parking & Transportation Services to discuss sliding scale for annual parking pass fees
- Developing a process to better connect students/interns with departments that have job openings
Compensation (Delilah Montoya)
- Implementation of staff compensation market adjustments began July 1, 2018
- Compensation forum session will be held on July 16 (in the HR Manresa Learning Center)
Diversity & Inclusion (Andrea Santillan & Tanisha Sparks)
- Reviewed Blue Ribbon Commission report
- Meeting with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to discuss how we can support their efforts
Communications (Sergio Lopez and Cindy Cooper)
- The eNews has proven to be a great tool to enhance the Staff Senate's visibility and improve communications with the campus community.
- In addition, the eNews increased collaboration with other campus organizations thanks to joint announcements
Elections & Bylaws (Maureen Muscat & Brian Moon)
- We've seen great success with our new online election tool!
- We've successfully recruited and filled all vacant senator seats for 2018-19, except for one whose election is currently taking place (University Relations)
Events & Service (Samantha Kibbish)
- Save the Date: Sept. 5, 2018, for the Staf Faire event. Interested in being a volunteer? Contact Leah Nakasaki-Peterson
- Increased opportunities to engage the staff community through additional all-staff events (6 events in total!)
- Researched SCU volunteer privileges through HR (Now being addressed by the Staff Senate Benefits working group)
- Partnered with off campus companies and/or charities to engage SCU staff with local community (3 charity events were held this year!)
Staff Affairs (Brian Moon)
- Education Benefits
- Tuition Remission
- Clean up language to be for all benefits-eligible employees
- Improve eligibility by reducing from three to two years of continuous employment at SCU for spouses/domestic partners and children to qualify for benefits
- Maximum of four years for tuition remission for dependents
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Money can be applied to other school/college tuition
- Increase tuition reimbursement from $2,000 to $5,000 per year and lifetime benefit from $8,000 to $20,000
- If attending a public California community college, the benefit can also be used to cover fees and books in addition to tuition
- Eligibility is same as tuition remission
- Future discussion: Should this be a fixed dollar amount or set as a percentage of SCU tuition?
- Exchange program with other Jesuit institutions
- Reduce eligibility requirement from three to two years of continuous service
- New employees coming directly from another AJCU institution will be able to count years of continuous service from that institution toward the SCU service requirement
- Tuition Exchange
- Improve eligibility by reducing from three to two years of continuous employment
- While these new benefits are set to take effect in 2018, the date is yet to be determined; stay tuned.
Parking and Transportation (Brian Moon)
- ACE Train
- 50% discount for staff and faculty is back!
- Monthly tickets are available in the Transportation office
- Occupancy System
- Displays open spaces in the parking garage and are currently up in the main garage
- The North Campus garage will have the signage system in the next few months. Feedback on the signage is welcome.
- Construction parking impact
- Visitor lot will be demolished; ramp in the main garage going to 2nd floor will become visitor parking
- STEM has been pushed back to late December
- 2018/2019 Parking Permits
- Pedestrian Safety
- Looking for ways to segregate and/or slow down bicycle, skateboard, and scooter traffic from pedestrians. Suggestions are welcome
Dining Services (Melissa for Rosalie Saladzius)
- BonAppetit hosted its 1st ever "Student Chef Wars" (like the TV shows)
- The secret ingredient was artichoke
- Participants had to provide judges with an appetizer, entree, and dessert
- Each person in the winning team won an Amazon Echo
- TheBenson remodel layout
- 100 more seats in this space when it’s all done in September 2018
- Longer Poke & Deli hours
- Food Insecurity
- Students who do not have access to money or food can reach out to the Office of Student Life
- A representative will meet with the student and then add $75 to their card (per quarter) and help them to define a more long-term solution
- This is meant to be on a one-time "crisis," honor basis system
- Also, Bon Appetit does offer a free meal per shift and pays $13.00 per hour and has also noted a willingness to help/employ these students
Workplace Sustainability (Carly Koebel)
- Submit your name or a colleague's to be a Workplace Liaison for your department and to join us for the Summer Series, a behind-the-scenes look at campus sustainability (Wednesdays in July and August this summer).
Staff Compensation Study Implementation Forum
TODAY at 12:30 p.m., Manressa Learning Center, Department of HR

Organized by the Department of Human Resources, this forum will provide an opportunity to ask questions regarding the implementation of the staff compensation study, shared with all staff in an email on May 15, 2018.
SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Staff Faire
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.,
St. Ignatius Lawn
Join the entire staff community for this fun, annual tradition. As always, there will be delicious food, entertainment, a raffle with great prizes and, best of all, great company!

In an effort to get to know each other better and to identify areas of collaboration, senators take turns during every meeting to share three personal facts about themselves, and a highlight and challenge in their area or department. Here are this month's featured senators:
Tom Deguzman, Student Services Research Librarian, Law School
Senator (Law School)
Three Things about Me
- I am a triple Bronco. a) An employee b) Was admitted and took courses as a degree-seeking undergraduate student (never finished) c) As a lecturer I have taught 15 or so legal research classes.
- I sold and bought a house this spring.
- I am left-handed.
Area Highlight
- The Law Library, along with the Law School, recently moved into Charney Hall. We are getting acclimated to our wonderful new building.
Area Challenge
- The Law Library had to reduce our physical collection. Fortunately, many of the materials we recycled are available in an alternative format.
Carl Reed, Assistant Athletic Director, Sports Administration & Student Services
Senator (Athletics)
Three Things about Me
- I'm a San Francisco Native and have lived in California my entire life.
- I'm an avid wine collector.
- I've worked in college athletics for 22 years.
Area Highlight
- SCU student-athletes continue to achieve academic success. For the winter quarter:
- 19 out of 20 teams earned a term GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 123 athletes had a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
- 331 athletes had a term GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 170 athletes had a term GPA of 3.5 or higher
- 72 athletes had a term GPA of 3.8 or higher
- 29 athletes had a term GPA of 4.0
- We recently had three monumental announcements about our athletics alumni:
- Julie Johnson Ertz '14 was named 2017 US Soccer Female Player of the Year
- Lloyd Pierce '98 (Former MBB player from the Mid 90’s) named the Head Basketball Coach of the NBA Atlanta Hawks
- Steve Nash '96 (teammate with Lloyd Pierce) will be inducted into the 2018 Naismith Hall of Fame in September
Area Challenge
A challenge for our department is changing the culture. For 25 years, Santa Clara has not invested a lot in athletics. Fr. Engh and the Board of Trustees, through the Blue Ribbon Commission Report, are now investing more in athletics so we are beginning to catch up. This won’t happen overnight, but through discussion and prioritizing we will get there.
Anna Rivard, Senior Administrative Assistant, College of Arts and Sciences
Senator (Arts & Sciences)
Three Things about Me
- I'm a Super Bronco '15, and just finished my first year of law school in our part-time program.
- I love to travel and have been to around 20 countries, but have yet to make it to the east coast of the United States.
- I hold a new position in the College of Arts and Sciences that floats to departments that need extra administrative support like the new Neuroscience Program and the Center for the Arts and Humanities.
Area Highlight
- The REAL program launched this year to award students who are conducting research, interning, or working on other creative projects with stipends up to $5,000.
- Rank and Tenure promotions for faculty were announced recently.
- And, of course, graduation of the class of 2018!
Area Challenge
- The College of Arts and Sciences is preparing for the STEM complex, which means the relocation of classroom and lab spaces.
- It's requiring a lot of planning and adjustments as departments prepare to share space.
Tina Sciolla, Business Manager, SCU Presents
Senator (Arts & Sciences)
Three Things about Me
- I enjoy travel. My first international trip, besides Canada, was to Turkey as a high school foreign exchange student. My most recent trip was to Iceland and Ireland.
- I have had varied career. I broke my leg at Jump School, during ground week. I have owned a business. I have worked in Real Estate management. And I am a former Kindergarten teacher. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business – Marketing and a Master’s in Early Childhood education.
- As a native of Pittsburgh, I am a diehard Steeler fan. My three daughters are native Californians, but also diehard Steeler fans.
Area Highlight
- I'm proud that we are making a difference in our community through the SCU Presents Arts for Social Justice school outreach touring show. With immigration as the top political subject in our nation today, SCU Presents annual school tour of plays on the life of a migrant family, adapted from SCU’s own Professor Francisco Jimenez, reaches two dozen schools and migrant education programs. Nearly 3,000 students, many of which were from migrant farm worker families, experienced the play in 2018.
- SCU Presents partners with multiple academic departments to present a variety of arts programming. From Theatre, Dance, and Music, the establishment of a film series with communication, and supporting student arts organization Barkada and Intendash, to the promotion of Edward M. Dowd and de Saisset museum exhibitions, SCU Presents actively Develops arts program and promotes SCU arts to both the campus and community.
- SCU Presents builds strong community relationships by reaching out and working directly with approximately 175 local arts and community organizations, affording them a professional theatre space to present their performances and events.
Area Challenge
Emma Wadiak, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, School of Education and Counseling Psychology
Senator (ECP)
Three Things about Me
- I am one of five siblings.
- My dad was a baseball coach at Stanford for nearly 40 years. I grew up around the game, so my dream career up until college was to become a scout for the MLB.
- I love country music and have seen most major country music artists in concert at least once! I just went to a country concert last night.
Area Highlight
- I work in admissions at the School of Education and Counseling Psychology. We are very proud of successfully implementing an online application system (Slate) over the past year. It has helped streamline a number of our admissions operations and processes, as well as allowed for us to be more data-driven in our decision making.
- Our school has also launched a number of great new programs within the past year, including the addition of our intern-track for teacher credentialing candidates, a bilingual authorization in Spanish, and LGBTQ emphasis for Counseling and Counseling Psychology students.
Area Challenge
- Recruitment for our programs is quite difficult in the Bay Area due to the extremely high cost of living. We are always looking for new and innovative ways to capture a broader pool of applicants. Additionally, we sometimes find it challenging to connect with the SCU undergraduate population and greater SCU community, as our building is located across the street from the main campus in Guadalupe Hall.