Vote for Your Staff Senator
Spring is the season for Staff Senate elections! Keep an eye out for upcoming emails to vote for your Staff Senator.
Share Feedback with Staff Senate
Send comments, concerns, feedback, questions, or suggestions to Staff Senate by emailing us at or using the form linked on our website.
Key Updates from Staff Senate's May Meeting
Housing Update
- The San Jose City Council voted (9-1) to allow Santa Clara University’s 1200 Campbell Avenue project for faculty and staff housing to continue moving forward through the City of San Jose’s approval process.
Staff Senate - President-Elect
- The Staff Senate Executive Committee has elected Kori Lennon as the President-Elect for the upcoming year.
Staff Senate - Senior Administrative Assistant for Collaborative Governance
- Welcome, Ixtlac Duenas who has recently been appointed to this newly created position.
Speaker: Agustin Ruiz, WorkDay Update
- Workday will go live on September 1st, and work on the transition will take place throughout the summer. See below for more information.
Fr. Engh - Farewell Address to Staff Senate
- Fr. Engh reflected on his ten years at Santa Clara and highlighted all the great things that had been achieved.
May 16, 2019 meeting minutes are saved on the Staff Senate Google Drive

Join Staff Senate for a financial planning workshop focused on Saving for Retirement.
Justin Wojcik, a former SCU staff member and current Administrative Business Partner at Google, will share his expertise in retirement planning using the benefits and resources Santa Clara offers.
Save the date for Tuesday, June 4th at 1PM. Charney Hall 201.
Come check out Swap for Good!
Sustainable for your wallet, the planet, AND your community! Gift your used clothing and thrift something new!
Learn more about the Swap for Good event.
Workday goes live on September 1st, and as the new system rolls out, there will be a “Quiet” Period from July 22nd to September 1st. What does this mean for you?
HR Self-service (eCampus) will be turned off (except timesheet functions), and HR requests a recruitment freeze, with a preference for no new job postings beginning on July 16, 2019. Any jobs posted during this time frame will stay in the existing system, rather than transitioning to the new one on September 1. It would help the transition to avoid posting during this time frame.
User Preview Workshops start in June, while training sessions begin in August. Upcoming sessions include:
June 4, 2019 at 10:00am, Library Commons Viewing & Production Room A
June 10, 2019 at 10:00am, Library Commons Viewing & Production Room A
June 13, 2019 at 2:00pm, Library Commons Viewing & Production Room A
Read the May Workday Newsletter or visit the Workday website to learn more.

June 20, 2019 at 10:30am Nobili Dining Room
All staff are invited to attend Staff Senate Meetings.
Hear updates, share your ideas or concerns, and connect with staff from across campus.
The June meeting welcomes new Senators, transitions the Staff Senate leadership, and includes a summary of the Staff Survey results and report from the Benefits Working Group.
Join us afterward for the Staff Senate End of Year Celebration Lunch

In an effort to get to know each other better and to identify areas of collaboration, senators will take turns during every meeting to share three personal facts about themselves, and a highlight and challenge in their area or department.

Ixtlac Dueñas, Senior Administrative Assitant for Collaborative Governance
Things about Me
- The origin of my name is Aztec. The full name has 13 letters and means "Sleeping Princess."
- I earned my B.A in Spanish from Santa Clara University in 1990. I continue my love of languages by currently learning Latin.
- I am an avid hiker and love to nature journal. I enjoy identifying wildflowers, birds and fungi.
- I have worked as a researcher of educational programs, Public Relations Specialist, Marketing Communications consultant, and a homeschool educator.