Thursday, September 10, 2020 @ 1:00p.m.
Location: via Zoom
- Welcome & Approval of Minutes
- Update from the President (Kori Lennon)
- President Kori Lennon informed the Senate she is leaving SCU. President-Elect Joanna Thomas will be transitioning into the role of President.
- The COVID-19 Recovery & Resiliency (R&R) Working Group's Staff Engagement Team is transitioning some activities to other areas across the University (such as Human Resources and the Staff Senate).
- Staff Senate Committee Updates
- Elections and Bylaws (Brian Moon)
- Committee is soliciting nominations from Senators for an interim President-elect for the remainder of this year (term expires June 30, 2020 and will not serve as President next year).
- In October, Staff Senate will vote on an amendment to the bylaws to include membership on UCC to the responsibilities of the Staff Senate Past President.
- The Elections and Bylaws committee will be addressing what to do if a senator, committee chair, president-elect or president is furloughed.
- Events and Service Committee (Hannah Dahdouh)
- The committee will be hosting a 10-minute Examen on Fridays beginning September 25.
- Staff are encouraged to submit ideas for community-building-focused events or ideas for organizations that can be targeted for service opportunities. Submit ideas to:
- The committee is seeking creative ways to leverage social media, such as YouTube and Instagram, to engage constituents. Staff are encouraged to submit suggestions to:
- Communications Committee (Andrew Amador-Corrales & Deborah Lohse)
- The committee is seeking creative ways to leverage social media, such as YouTube and Instagram, to engage constituents. Staff are encouraged to submit suggestions to:
- Updates on Staff Senate Working Groups (Joanna Thompson)
- The Anti-Racism Working Group has over 40 staff members and three subcommittees: 1) education and professional development, 2) advocacy, outreach and employee resources, and 3) policy change proposals and recommendations.
- The Benefits Working Group is planning to highlight one benefit at each Staff Senate meeting to build awareness.
- The Constituent Engagement Group is creating a guide and toolkit for constituent engagement
- Service on Working Groups is open to all staff. Staff who are interested in volunteering can send an email to:
- Benefit Highlights/Updates (Kori Lennon)
- The Employee Emergency Loan Program (EELP) is offered by SCU to employees who are facing a financial emergency. Applications available here.
- The Emergency Fund for Staff and Faculty is supported through donations from staff and faculty. Staff facing a financial hardship can apply here.
- Furlough Policy (Charlie Ambelang, Associate Vice President of Human Resources)
- Charlie Ambelang, Associate Vice President of Human Resources, provided an overview of Human Resources efforts since the beginning of COVID-19.
- Specific timing for furloughs is not available yet nor have target numbers been communicated. The number of open positions in a department will not affect the number of employees furloughed in a specific area.
- Open Forum
- Senators will be receiving an invitation to attend an open forum to speak with members of the WASC Visiting Team on Wednesday, October 7 from 3:30-4:15PM via Zoom. Ed Ryan, Vice Provost for Planning and Institutional Effectives, will be sending out a formal invitation.
- Adjourn
- See meeting minutes linked below:
The Staff Senate invites you to: LUNCHTIME EXAMEN
Every Friday | 12:05 - 12:15 PM
The Examen was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola
as a technique of prayerful reflection on the events
of the day in order to detect God's Presence and
discern God's direction for us.
We are excited to continue this offering throughout
the Fall Quarter, and hope that you will be able to join.
No registration required.
Add to Google Calendar here.
Passcode: 634508
SCU's Staff Senate would like to congratulate Hannah Dahdouh for being elected Staff Senate interim President-Elect!
After an election that ended Sept. 29, Hannah Dahdouh was chosen as interim President-Elect of Santa Clara University’s Staff Senate. The interim President-Elect essentially acts as the vice president of the Staff Senate, including serving on both the Staff Affairs Committee and the University Budget Council. Hannah also will retain her ole as chair of the Events and Service Committee, which focuses on staff recognition and other special events.
Hannah has served as the administrative associate of events and operations with the Ignatian Center since January 2018. She is a native of Houston, Texas and received her B.A. from the University of Houston in art history. She is also a student at SCU, attending part-time in the graduate Counseling Psychology program, toward a master’s in counseling psychology degree. Previously, Hannah worked as the executive administrative assistant for the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston.
A passionate animal-lover, she enjoys volunteering with local wildlife rescues. Hannah resides in Campbell with her husband Andrew and their four-legged companions: dogs Shiva and Edgrrr Allan Poe and cat Wednesday Addams.
This election took place under the process laid out in Article V, Section 3(c) of our bylaws. With previous Staff Senate President Kori Lennon leaving, then-President-Elect Joanna Thompson assumed the President's role for the remainder of this term, in addition to her normal term next year. In the spring, an election will be held for a full-time President-Elect, and Hannah will automatically be nominated for the role if she so chooses.
Bronco Pantry use is at an all-time high and continues to be in need of support. For those interested and able to help, please consider the following options:
- Donated items: During the COVID-19 crisis, a donation bin has been placed inside the lobby of the Campus Safety Services office. The bin is available 24/7 for donation drop-offs. Most needed items include rice, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, canned vegetables, microwavable meals (vegetarian friendly), granola bars, dishwashing sponges and dish soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. We, unfortunately, cannot accept homemade items.
- Target eGift Cards can be sent to by selecting the e-mail delivery method. Individual cards of $25, $50, or $100 are preferred. These gifts will be forwarded directly to students in need.
- Safeway Gift Cards can be purchased on our program's Amazon Wishlist. To ensure quick retrieval during the COVID-19 crisis, physical cards will be mailed to Assistant Dean Kimberly Gilkey by selecting "Kim Gilkey's Gift Registry Address" at checkout. Our staff will hand off these gifts directly to the students.
- Cash Donations: Donate directly to our program on the Santa Clara website here.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
Office of Student Life

Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Join us, be part of the discussion, and let your voice be heard!
Can't make it? Then submit your questions to StaffSenate@scu.eduby noon on Monday, October 5, 2020.
Meeting will be held via Zoom.
Link and password will be sent closer to meeting date.