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STEM Educational Outreach

SCU student presenting hands-on activity to youth at Third Street Community Center in San Jose, CA.


In Engr111, SCU students lead youth in fun hands-on activities designed to engage and teach basic engineering concepts. Working in partnership with afterschool programs in the community, in Engr111, The youth are introduced to the engineering design process and work through a variety of projects over the quarter. The youth learn what engineers do, about various engineering disciplines, and what it takes to go to college to study engineering.  This course also examines the social justice aspects K-12 STEM education including inequities in funding and accessibility.

Engineering 111 is a 2-unit course which satisfies the Core ELSJ (Experiential Learning and Social Justice) requirement. Students work in partnership with educational institutions in the local community to provide STEM outreach in after-school programs.

The course examines challenges surrounding K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education such as funding, diversity and accessibility. Student teams develop lesson plans and lead activities to introduce young people (grades 4-12) to engineering concepts through engaging hands-on activities. ENGR 111 satisfies the ELSJ requirement.

For additional information about the course, contact Robert Schaffer (Dr. Bob) at

Contact Us

Contact: Ricardo Padilla Jr.

Santa Clara University
School of Engineering
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
