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Culturally Contextualized Theology 

Pope Francis encourages a culture of encounter, which brings theology into dialogue with particular communities.  In this exchange, we serve and learn from each other in a spirit of solidarity. 

Living Theology. Transforming Our World.

As a Jesuit theology center, we take to heart the call of the Society of Jesus to labor for justice as an extension of God's mercy.  As the Jesuits' 36th General Congregation put it, "reconciliation is always a work of justice, a justice discerned and enacted in local communities and contexts."  Our watchwords - "living theology, transforming our world" - express our commitment to a shared future where the good news of the Gosepel lives in the communities we serve.  Our graduates are educated and formed in this notion of theology.  Explore the ways this commitment shapes our education. 

Immersion Experiences Photo
Immersion Experiences

Select courses culminate in an immersion experience, deepening the class’s theological discourse.  The immersion electives are taught by scholars in the field and are a signature component of the JST curriculum.  Each immersion includes opportunities for comparative studies, interreligious encounter and dialogue, religious experience, and theological reflection. 

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Field Education

Some students undertake a supervised field education placement and participate in weekly theological reflection groups.  Field education placements include high school and university classrooms and campus ministry offices, parish and spirituality center settings, prison and hospital chaplaincy programs, and non-profit organizations and social services. 

Faculty Commitment

Since 1995, when our faculty significantly reformed the JST curriculum in order to emphasize culturally contextual theology, JST has remained committed to the academic study of theology that takes seriously the lived realities of the people that our students will encounter, serve, and live alongside.  As a renewal of this commitment, each faculty member contributed to the recently published book, “Doing Theology as if People Mattered: Encounters in Contextual Theology.”  

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