Santa Clara University is engaging its student body to register to vote, gain resources about the variety of ways to vote, learn about the election process, participate in election-related events, and vote on Election Day.
Updated as of February 1, 2024
As a participating institution in the ALL-IN Campus Democracy Challenge, Santa Clara University has the following goals:
- Provide students with information about how to register to vote in California and all other states.
- Provide students with resources about the variety of ways to vote including absentee voting, voting by mail, voting in another state, and voting while abroad.
- Provide students with resources to learn about the election process, candidates, and issues of interest during this election season.
Registering & Voting Resources
Click on each category that you are interested in to expand the box for more information.
Resources courtesy of ALL IN to Vote:
- "ALL IN To Vote is part of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. It's our goal to increase college voting nationally, because voting as a student is the first step to being a lifelong voter."
- Click here to view resources
- Three general steps:
- Register to vote: prepare for Election Day in a few minutes
- Take the pledge: make a play and stay up to date on the election
- Plan your election: review your state’s rules and prepare your ballot
Resources courtesy of Nonprofit Vote:
Resources courtesy of Campus Vote Project:
Resources courtesy of
Resources courtesy of the U.S. Department of State:
Resources courtesy of Online Master's Degrees:
Additional Resources
Click on each category that you are interested in to expand the box for more information.
Resources courtesy of Power the Polls:
- "When polling places close, it becomes more difficult for voters to access the ballot box. That’s why Power the Polls is continuing its work to recruit a new generation of poll workers who can ensure safe and fair access to the ballot box."
- Click here to view resources
Resources courtesy of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge:
- "The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge shares various resources to help you find up-to-date election information, help you plan for fall in-person and virtual democratic engagement, and help you develop your campus democratic engagement action plan."
- Click here to view resources
Resources courtesy of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge:
- "The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge in partnership with the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) is providing voter education, registration, turnout, and advocacy tools and resources to support the engagement of college athletics in the democratic process."
- Click here to view resources
Resources courtesy of various organizations and partners:
- "Every candidate and referendum, explained" - explore your ballot, make informed choices, vote
- Student Voting Guide
- Online Guide for First-Time Voters
- A First-Time Voter Guide for College Students
- online platform giving students the opportuntiy to choose the issues they care about and follow
- This website by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics includes a book by the late Hana Callaghan (former Director of the Government Ethics Program in the Markkula Center) as well as a related video and podcast.
"In Dire Need of Common Ground"
- Chapter from a book titled Divided We Fall, Ignorant We Fail by A.J. Howell-Williams from SCU Undergraduate Admisssion.
Family Conflict: How to Navigate Political Conversations
- By
- An article about how to prepare and manage a healthy conversation about politics at family gatherings and how to respond when you do not share the same views and values.
Important Notes
You may not register to vote in two places (i.e. counties or states) during the same election cycle.