FLI Forward: Breaking Barriers in Education
The FLI Forward conference highlights the experiences of First-generation and Limited-Income students in higher education through engaging keynote speakers, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities.
The 2024 FLI Forward Conference will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2024.
Our Goals
Bronco Networking
Career Counseling
Community Impact
Financial Literacy
Our Impact
SCU students who attended the FLI Forward Conference indicated that, on a scale of 0 (no gains) to 5 (significant gains), the event helped them feel more connected to the FLI community (4.29) and learn about resources (4) and instill a sense of pride in their FLI identity (4).

"I found the conversation with the speakers to be helpful because they were empowering with their stories. One emphasized the importance of advocating for ourselves and our stories in order to achieve our goals."
"I enjoyed connecting with individuals who shared a similar background to mine, as well as receiving valuable networking tips from the speakers."

Thank you to our generous sponsors.