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Founders Society

There is a long-standing tradition in the Society of Jesus that people who make major contributions to the advancement of the Jesuit order are honored by the designation, “Founder of the Society.” In 1981, this tradition inspired the establishment of the Founders Society at Santa Clara University.

The Founders Society is Santa Clara University’s most distinguished fellowship. Its members are individuals and organizations that are examples to the entire Santa Clara family. Those who are part of the Founders Society subscribe to the ideals of Santa Clara’s co-founders, Michael Accolti, S.J. and John Nobili, S.J., including faith, service, and intellectual inquiry in the Jesuit tradition.

To remain a meaningful and significant part of society, every institution must be constantly renewed, or founded, for succeeding generations. Membership in the Founders Society acknowledges Santa Clara’s most generous benefactors—alumni, friends, faculty, staff, corporations, foundations, and organizations that have contributed $1 million or more to the University to help fulfill its contemporary plans to prepare “men and women for others” and to secure and strengthen Santa Clara’s position among the finest institutions of higher education in the world.

Through their leadership and vision, society members help support academic endeavors that allow the University to attract the most talented students and scholars, who in turn influence communities in Silicon Valley and around the world. The commitment of Founders Society members enhances Santa Clara’s efforts to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion and cultivate knowledge and faith to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world.

Santa Clara University is deeply grateful to the Founders Society members for their remarkable generosity.