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Student Profiles

A person in a black shirt smiling against a white background.
John Paul Kraus

Pause for Coz Profile - John Paul Kraus ’24

If you look up the word “polymath,” (meaning a person of wide-ranging learning) you may see a photo of Carlsbad native and SCU Economics major John Paul Kraus ’24. “I’m an Economics major because I like statistics, math, and analyzing the way people think,” he explains, “and I’m interested in understanding the psychology of purchases people make.” A double major in Economics and English, John Paul “wants to learn every word in the dictionary, be able to make really good poetry, and think both logically and analytically.” And, last but not least, John Paul is also minoring in math and music “because I think both subjects are captivating,” he says.

When not focused on his studies, John Paul enjoys playing rugby. “Travelling to compete with other schools during the main season was inspiring, and gave me a good break from academics—although I would commonly be doing math reading and homework on the flights,” he says. In addition to providing a needed break from an intense academic load, John Paul “really enjoyed the energetic atmosphere that the team created—it’s the liveliest group on campus.” 

John Paul has also enjoyed deepening his connection with the University’s Ignatian heritage. “Fr. Kyle Shinseki S.J. has made a positive impact on me—I admire his positive presence and attitude and was inspired to become a Community Facilitator in Swig to create a similar positive experience for my classmates.”

Receiving a Father Coz Scholarship was essential to enabling John Paul to focus on his studies while earning money through his campus jobs in residence life and tutoring.  However, the Coz Scholarship reduced the financial burden on the Kraus family and freed up the resources that allowed him to take full advantage of all SCU has to offer.  

Further, working as a tutor in the writing center has inspired him to consider a career in teaching, in addition to his ambition to write and perform pop music (John Paul plays the cello, harmonica, guitar, and piano). “Overall, SCU has allowed me to develop the passions and skills that will make my life more meaningful, and I’d love to share my experience with future generations by becoming a donor myself.”