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COVID-19 Dashboards

Last Updated: September 17, 2024

Reported Positive Cases

This dashboard provides data about new self-reported cases of COVID-19 infection among students and employees on the Santa Clara University campus.


Most Recent Self-Reported Cases

Sept 9-15, 2024


Positive Tests

Sept 2-8, 2024


Positive Tests

Aug 26-Sept 1, 2024


Positive Tests
Week of: Number of Positive Tests
Aug 19-25, 2024 3
Aug 12-18, 2024 4
Aug 5-Aug 11, 2024 1
Jul 29-Aug 4, 2024 4
Jul 22-28, 2024 6
Jul 15-21, 2024 2
Jul 8-14, 2024 6
Jul 1-7, 2024 4
Jun 24-30, 2024 3
Jun 17-23, 2024 8
Jun 10-16, 2024 4
Jun 3-9, 2024 11
May 27-Jun 2, 2024 6
May 20-26, 2024 7

May 13-19, 2024


May 6-12, 2024


Apr 29-May 5, 2024


Apr 22-28, 2024


Apr 15-21, 2024


Apr 8-14, 2024


Apr 1-7, 2024


Mar 25-31, 2024


Mar 18-24, 2024


Mar 11-17, 2024


Mar 4-10, 2024


Feb 26-Mar 3, 2024


Feb 19-25, 2024


Feb 12-18, 2024


Feb 5-11, 2024


Jan 29-Feb 4, 2024


Jan 22-28, 2024


Jan 15-21, 2024


Jan 8-14, 2024


Jan 1-7, 2024


Dec 25-31, 2023


Dec 18-24, 2023


Dec 11-17, 2023

Dec 4-10, 2023 11
Nov 27-Dec 3, 2023 7
Nov 20-26, 2023 3
Nov 13-19, 2023 6
Nov 6-12, 2023 8
Oct 30-Nov 5, 2023 8
Oct 23-29, 2023 9
Oct 16-22, 2023 6
Oct 9-15, 2023 6
Oct 2-8, 2023 34
Sept 25-Oct 1, 2023 90
Sept 18-24, 2023 24
Sept 11-17, 2023 10
Sept 4-Sept 10, 2023 9
Aug 28-Sept 3, 2023 10
Aug 21-27, 2023 8
Aug 14-20, 2023 10
Aug 7-13, 2023 5
July 31-Aug 6, 2023 1
July 24-30, 2023 1
July 17-23, 2023 5
July 10-16, 2023 0
July 3-9, 2023 5
Jun 26-Jul 2, 2023 2
Jun 19-25, 2023 3
Jun 12-18, 2023 3
Jun 5-11, 2023 2
May 29-Jun 4, 2023 2
May 22-28, 2023 8
May 15-21, 2023 3
May 8-14, 2023 5
May 1-7, 2023 8
Apr 24-30, 2023 16
Apr 17-23, 2023 22
Apr 10-16, 2023 18
Apr 3-9, 2023 16
Mar 27-Apr 2, 2023 7
Mar 20-26, 2023 5
Mar 13-19, 2023  17
Mar 6-12, 2023 18
Feb 27- Mar 5, 2023 12
Feb 20-26, 2023 17
Feb 13-19, 2023 26
Feb 6-12, 2023 27
Jan 30-Feb 5, 2023 44
Jan 23-29, 2023 78
Jan 16-22, 2023 47
Jan 9-15, 2023 46
Jan 2-8, 2023 26
Dec 26-Jan 1, 2023 16
Dec 19-25, 2022 16
Dec 12-18, 2022 16
Dec 5-11, 2022 19
Nov 28-Dec 4, 2022 36
Nov 21-27, 2022 17
Nov 14-20, 2022 24
Nov 7-13, 2022 26
Oct 31-Nov 6, 2022 11
Oct 24-30, 2022 11
Oct 17-23, 2022 16
Oct 10-16, 2022 22
Oct 3-9, 2022 42
Sept 26-Oct 2, 2022 100
Sept 19-25, 2022 45
Sept 12-18, 2022 16
Sept 5-11, 2022 12
Aug 29-Sept 4, 2022 6
August 22-28, 2022 32
August 15-21, 2022 16
August 8-14, 2022 13
August 1-7, 2022 11
July 25-31, 2022 13
July 18-24, 2022 10
July 11-17, 2022 13
July 4-10, 2022 18
June 27-July 3, 2022 22
June 20-26, 2022 17
June 13-19, 2022 14
June 6-12, 2022 27
May 30-June 5, 2022 62
May 23-29, 2022 64
May 16-22, 2022 114
May 9-15, 2022 112
May 2-8, 2022 103

*Includes students, faculty, and staff. 

Potential Workplace Exposure

In compliance with the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), SCU is notifying employees of campus workplaces where people were on campus during their infectious periods.

If you are an SCU student or employee who tests positive, please report your positive test result.

During the last 14 days, COVID-19-positive individuals were present at the following locations:
*Updated on September 17, 2024*

*Campus Location Positive Test Date
Facilities/Support Services

9/10/24, 9/17/24

Guadalupe Hall


Kids on Campus


Heafey Hall


Leavey Center

9/16/24, 9/17/24



Stevens Stadium


Vari Hall


Per the applicable notification requirements, employees will be notified of exposure via the SCU COVID-19 Dashboard, which lists the building and potential exposure date.  The dates posted are the date of a positive test. The infectious period may begin 48 hours prior to symptom onset or test date.

Employees who are unable to work due to COVID-19 illness are encouraged to contact Indu Ahluwalia at for more information and to review the HR Information and Resources webpage.