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Technology at SCU

Lab Software Request Policy

Academic Technology staff will install software on the university owned computers in the Harrington Learning Commons for teaching, research, or public engagement. In order to ensure adequate time for Academic Technology staff to perform and test these installations, and to ensure that new software packages are adequately evaluated for their impact on other packages, on the network, and on the systems, the following guidelines have been developed:


Please submit requests for software to be installed on the Harrington Learning Commons computers via the Academic Technology Software Request Form at least 3-4 weeks before the start of the Academic quarter during which the software will first be used. This permits integrating the software into the machine-images that are used to replicate software across multiple machines in these settings, and it allows time for testing of the software in the lab or classroom setting.

Fall Quarter Deadline - 4 weeks before Fall Quarter
Winter Quarter Deadline - 3 weeks before Christmas Break
Spring Quarter Deadline - 3 weeks before Spring Quarter
Summer Deadline - 3 weeks before Summer Session

Please note - Request for new software will need approval through the General Counsel's office. Please include the URL for the Terms of Agreement or the Terms and Conditions for the software when completing the request form.


Please submit requests for critical software updates to be installed on the Harrington Learning Commons computers via the Academic Technology Lab Software Request Form at least three weeks before the software will first be used. This allows time to evaluate the impact of the software updates on the individual system, schedule a time to install it when the users won't be needing the computers, and test the installation. In cases where a schedule of less than three weeks is not possible, Academic Technology will work to make the updates as quickly as possible.

Lab Software Request

Policy updated 10/2021

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