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Department ofChemistry and Biochemistry

Grace Stokes

Grace Stokes

Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor

Degree Information

B.S. Chemistry, Stanford University
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, Northwestern University


Monitoring adsorption of pharmaceuticals to lipids, transmembrane peptides, and protein-coated surfaces using laser-based spectroscopy methods


National Science Foundation grant: "CAREER: Quantifying How Peptoids Interact with Lipid Membranes" (2019-2024)

Cottrell Scholar Award, Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement, 2018-2021

Clare Boothe Luce Professorship (2014-2021)

  • General Chemistry (Chem 11, 11L)
  • General Chemistry (Chem 12, 12L)
  • Quantum Chemistry (Chem 151)
  • Chemical Thermodynamics (Chem 152)

Baiz, C.R.; Berger, R.F.; Donald, K.J.; de Paula, J.C.; Fried, S.D.; Rubenstein, B.; Stokes, G.Y.; Takematsu, K.; Londergan, C. “Lowering Activation Barriers to Success in Physical Chemistry (LABSIP): A Community Project,“ Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023.

Stokes, G.Y. “How faculty with minimal programming experience implemented Jupyter Notebooks in physical and general chemistry courses” In Teaching Programming across the Chemistry Curriculum; ACS Symposium Series; 2021; Vol 1387 pp 13-27. 10.1021/bk-2021-1387.ch002

Rowe, Penny M.; Fortmann, L.; Guasco, T. L.; Wright, A.*; Ryken, A.; Sevier, E.*; Stokes, G.Y.; Mifflin, A. L.; Wade, R.; Cheng, H.; Pfalzgraff, W.; Beaudoin, J.; Rajbhandari, I.; Fox-Dobbs, K.; Neshyba, S. “Integrating polar research into undergraduate curricula using computational guided inquiry,” Journal of Geoscience Education 2020, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2020.1768004.

Landry, M. R.*, Rangel, J. L.*, Dao, V. P.*, MacKenzie, M. A.*, Gutierrez, F. L.*, Dowell, K. M.*, Calkins, A. L.*, Fuller, A.A.; Stokes, G.Y. "Length Impacts Adsorption of Water-Soluble Peptoids to Phospholipid Membranes," J. Phys. Chem B2019, 10.1021/ Special Issue: Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and dynamics

Jimenez, C. J.*, Tan, J.*, Dowell, K. M.*, Gadbois, G. E.*, Read, C.A.*, Burgess, N.*, Cervantes, J. E.*, Chan, S.*, Jandaur, A.*, Karanik, T.*, Lee, J. J.*, Ley, M.C.*, McGeehan, M.*, McMonigal, A.*, Palazzo, K.L.*, Parker, S.A.*, Payman, A.*, Soria, M.*, Verheyden, L.*, Vo, V. T.*, Yin, J.*, Calkins, A. L.*, Fuller, A.A.; Stokes, G. Y. "Peptoids advance multidisciplinary research and undergraduate education in parallel: Sequence effects on conformation and lipid interactions,"  Biopolymers 2019, 323256; doi:10.1002/bip.23256.  Special issue: Peptoids

Stokes, G.Y.; DiCicco, E.N.*; Moore, T. J.*; Cheng, V.C.; Wheeler, K.Y.; Soghigian, J.; Barber, R.P.; Edgerly, J.S. “Structural and Wetting Properties of Nature’s Finest Silks (Order Embioptera),” Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5: 180893; doi: 10.1098/rsos.180893.

Fearon, A.D.;* Stokes, G.Y. “Thermodynamics of Indomethacin Adsorption to Phospholipid Membranes” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121, 10508-10518.

Calkins A. L.; Rangel, J. L.; Yin, Jennifer; Landry, M. R.; Fuller, A. A.; Stokes, G.Y. “A Thermodynamic Description of the Adsorption of Simple Water-Soluble Peptoids to Silica”  Langmuir 2016, 32, 11690-11697.

Osborn, PTM; Addison, JB; Jordan, JS; Yarger, JL; Damle VG; Rykaczewski, K; Chang, SL, Stokes, G.Y.; Edgerly, JS “Surface and Wetting Properties of Embiopteran (Webspinner) Nanofiber Silk” Langmuir 2016, 32, 4681.

Stokes, G.Y. and Conboy, J. C. "Measuring Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)- Membrane Interactions with Second Harmonic Generation" J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2014, 136, 1409-1417

Buchbinder, A.M., Gibbs-Davis, J.M., Stokes, G.Y, Peterson, M.D., Weitz, E. Geiger, F.M. "Method for evaluating vibrational mode assignments in surface-bound cyclic hydrocarbons using sum frequency generation" J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 18284-18294.

Stokes, G.Y., Chem, E.H., Buchbinder, A.M. Paxton, W.F., Keely, A., Geiger, F.M. "Atmospheric heterogeneous stereochemistry"  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 13733-13737.