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Department ofPsychology


A woman smiling, wearing a white top and dark jacket.

A woman smiling, wearing a white top and dark jacket.

Dina Tzonev '15 reflects on how her Psych degree has helped her thrive in a career in Hi Tech marketing

Dina Tzonev graduated in 2015 with a BS in Psychology. At SCU, Dina worked in Lisa Whitfield’s lab, and was a part of SCU’s Psi-Chi group.  After graduation she found a great opportunity at a fast growing Hi Tech company in marketing. In the last five years, Dina has found continued success  in  marketing roles  at multiple Hi Tech start-ups. Currently, she is leading the Global Marketing Programs at Celonis, a European based data company, and is responsible for supporting business growth by creating and driving the execution of programs and products going to market. She writes:

“Majoring in Psychology at SCU has been an instrumental part of developing my career and getting me to where I am today. My degree has helped me understand human behavior and mental processes, which is an important part of B2B (business to business) marketing. Additionally, the courses I took taught me key skills such as networking, critical thinking, and communication. While working in Dr. Whitfield’s lab as a research assistant, I gained strong essential skills that have carried over into my current role to be a data driven marketer. Helping others will continue to be a passion of mine, as a co-founder of the Women @ Celonis community, our goal is to  champion progress for women in the workplace. I had the opportunity to bring in Dr. Lisa Whitfield and Dr. Katy Bruchmann who led a keynote address about implicit biases during one of our recent sessions, which was very successful. I am thankful for the relationships, mentorship, and experiences from my time in the Psychology department at SCU.”

psycalumnistory, Alumni Story