Mission Priority Examen
During the calendar year 2025, Santa Clara University is engaged in its second Mission Priority Examen (MPE). This process of reflection, self-study, and shared discernment is an invitation to the whole community – students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and our larger community – to look carefully at how we live out our mission as a Jesuit, Catholic university in our unique context of Silicon Valley and at this moment in our history.
We embrace the MPE as an opportunity to simultaneously listen, lift up, celebrate, and form our community. Recognizing that our Jesuit identity and mission is our long-term north star, we seek to better understand how it is at work in our community, how it is being complemented and strengthened by new voices that each day join our community, and the ways faith and Ignatian discernment can help us respond ever more authentically to the needs of our world.
On this page, you can find our Steering Committee, information about listening sessions and events that we will be hosting during Winter and Spring quarters, and a contact email address for your feedback and comments. You can also read more deeply about the AJCU Mission Priority Examen process, which culminates in the visit of an external team from other Jesuit universities and a report to be submitted to the Provincial Superior of the Jesuits West Province and to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Finally, you can read President Sullivan’s letter on the MPE, as well as Santa Clara’s 2019 Mission Priority Examen, both of which serve as a backdrop for our present MPE.