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Kirk O. Hanson

Kirk Hanson
Kirk O. Hanson
Executive Director, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

I will be watching to see if the candidates can focus more on the common good, one of America's most powerful, enduring and empowering ethical concepts. So much of the debate to date has been couched in narrow self interest terms - how this candidate can lower my taxes, free me from government regulations that lower my profit, provide me a job, etc. Truly transformational leaders describe a vision of why we exist as a nation and what we expect our government to do for all our people - not just the rich and powerful. Lincoln accomplished this in his Gettysburg Address; Reagan and Clinton in some of their speeches. Today we need candidates who speak in moral terms about the role our government plays in improving the lives of all Americans and in helping bring peace and prosperity to the world - these are the stuff of the common good. Sadly, we have lost much of the momentum we had to serve as a "shining city on a hill" for the world. Instead we have allowed our political deliberations to descend into a fist fight over who will capture government to serve their personal self interest.