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Isolation & Quarantine Guidelines

Last updated on January 23, 2024

Isolation Protocols 

  • If you experience  COVID-19 symptoms, please mask up right away and take a rapid antigen test.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you must report your positive test result here and isolate yourself for a minimum of 24 hours.  Do not attend in-person work or class during this period.
  • Continue isolation until you have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.
  • When you have been fever free for 24 hours and your symptoms are mild and improving, you must continue to wear a mask through Day 10 unless, after ending isolation, you have two negative antigen tests at least a day apart without a positive test in between. Masks are especially important, because most people are infectious 5-10 days after symptoms begin.  

You should notify people that you were in close contact with by calling, texting, or emailing them, or notify them anonymously through the Tell Your Contacts website. 

Quarantine guidelines for close contact with a positive case

  • If exposed to COVID-19, you do not need to quarantine. 
  • If you experience  COVID-19 symptoms,  test and mask up immediately.  
  • If you do not have symptoms, test 3-5 days after exposure. 
  • Mask indoors when around individuals who are at a higher risk for severe infection. 
  • Remember, if you test negative on a rapid antigen test while experiencing symptoms, you should test again a day or two later.

Isolation during your infectious period means you may not attend class, work, lab, or other activities. Please notify your professors, supervisors, and close contacts. Faculty have been encouraged to accommodate students who need to isolate.  Students living in on-campus housing will isolate in place or return home for their isolation period. Students who test positive should wear a high-quality mask to pick up meals at the Benson Memorial Center or other dining locations and then eat outdoors or in their room.


Seeking Treatment for COVID-19

COVID-19 treatments are available! Talk with your primary care provider, an urgent care center, or a free telehealth provider today by visiting or calling (833) 686-5051. 


  • COVID Support: 408-554-5331
  • Cowell Health: 408-554-4501
  • Campus Safety: 408-554-4441
  • Housing Operations: 408-554-4900
  • Medical Emergency: 911