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Join the Santa Clara Boxing Team!

If you've ever considered boxing, come check out the club. It's a great way to make new friends, get in shape, and learn how to fight.

Click the link below to join the team!

The Santa Clara Boxing Club operates on four (4) key values: Respect, hard work, be willing to learn and have fun!

This is an essential value that we promote in our club. All members of the Santa Clara University Boxing Club are mandated to respect themselves, their teammates, their coaches, and especially their opponents. Competition and respect are not mutually exclusive. Respect is an inherent level of dignity that every person is obliged to. We will not take any boxers who do not identify with this principle or see it through. 

We understand that our members have lives outside of boxing, which include jobs, studies, and other organizations/clubs. We do not have a mandatory number of practices that anyone has to attend in any given week. However, once boxing practice starts, you are expected to give your best and try your hardest. In order to better ourselves as fighters and ultimately champions, every individual must strive to reach the farthest they've ever gone, in order to better the team as a whole. We can only be as strong as our weakest link.

Boxing is a sport that is nearly impossible to perfect.  However, do not let that dissuade you. Take every slip, fall, and mistake as an opportunity for improvement and be open to hearing what you can do better. Even the best coach is fallible and able to better themselves. This should be the mentality all Bronco boxers should have; one of continuous growth. 

Ultimately, the members of the Santa Clara Boxing Club participate in this sport, because boxing is fun and rewarding.  Don't be afraid to go out there and try things out. Continue finding new ways to get involved and form bonds with your teammates. We appreciate everyone who comes out and we hope this experience will be one of enjoyment.