History and Development of the Integrated Strategic Plan

Evolution of the Planning Process
Refining the Santa Clara 2020 Plan
Faculty and staff discuss critical components and develop elaborated descriptions that include the following brief sections:
- Description - What precisely is SCU aiming to do or achieve through this component?
- Rationale - Why is this component essential to helping SCU realize one or more of its strategic objectives/goals?
- Metric of Success - By what measure will we know if SCU is successful in achieving the objective of this component? According to the proposed metric, where is SCU today and where should SCU aspire to be?
- Requirements - What would it take for this component to become a reality? (estimate of human resources, facilities, operating expenses, etc.)
The President consults with advisors who evaluate each component based on philanthropic feasibility, realistic aspirations, necessity, value proposition, and institutional reputation.
State of the University Address
President Michael Engh, S.J., announces Santa Clara 2020—the University's Integrated Strategic Plan and launches a new series of campus-wide conversations to set SCU's course for the 21st century.
Moving Forward the Santa Clara 2020 Plan
- Planning Action Council (PAC) members review the integrated plan as well as the input from the disciplinary cluster conversations.
- Approximately 500 faculty and staff across seven disciplinary clusters discuss the plan and offer input that helps refine the plan's final elements.
- The Board of Trustees endorses the University's strategic direction, after previewing the elaborated strategic plan (goals, objectives, and critical components), facilities master plan, and enrollment plan.
- The University models the appropriate composition and number of faculty and staff required to support proposed enrollment changes.
Integration of Strategic, Enrollment, and Facilities Master Plans
- Concurrent with strategic planning efforts, the University evaluates the optimal size of the undergraduate student population as well as the projected enrollment for each of SCU's graduate programs.
- University continues planning for additional campus facilities required to serve the projected needs of the enrollment plan and to advance the University's strategic goals.
Refinement of Strategic Goals and Development of Objectives
Fifty faculty and staff serving on six advisory committees, one for each goal, propose a set of compelling, concrete, and realistic objectives to advance the University, along with quantifiable metrics to support each of the working goals. The Provost's Office and administrative leaders identify resources required to achieve the critical components associated with each working goal and proposed objective.
Emergence of Six Strategic Goals
- President Michael Engh, S.J., asks campus leaders to develop unit-specific implementation plans and propose ideas and initiatives for enhancing SCU's educational program.
- Six working Strategic Goals emerge from leadership discussions, building upon the five Strategic Priorities, paving the way for the next iteration of planning.
Board of Trustees Approves Strategic Plan 2011
After each of the five Strategic Priorities is supplemented with a proposed set of initiatives and metrics, the Board of Trustees approves the Strategic Plan 2011.
Convergence of Planning Processes
- The University conducts a capacity study to examine what size student enrollment could be served by a given faculty composition.
- A facilities master plan update begins.
- Planning Action Council (PAC) members concur that the new Strategic Plan should be closely aligned with the results of the capacity study, a revised facilities master plan, and the accreditation self-study submitted to WASC.
- PAC members review, refine, and prioritize a list of potential facilities and master planning elements with input of deans, center directors, and leaders in Student Life, Housing, and Athletics.
Definition of the Strategic Priorities
Inspired by the Future Directions conversations, the University articulates five Strategic Priorities undergirding a strategic vision:
- Excellence in Jesuit Education
- Engagement with Silicon Valley
- Global Understanding and Engagement
- Justice and Sustainability
- Academic Community
Early Inspiration for the Strategic Priorities
President Paul Locatelli, S.J., convenes Future Directions, a series of conversations to engage the entire University in exploring ways to “enhance the quality and distinctiveness of Santa Clara and its Jesuit educational mission and provide greater clarity and advancement of the strategic initiative of integrated education.”