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Goal 1

Santa Clara University will transform students' lives through a personalized Jesuit education that integrates rigorous study with high-impact experiential learning.


  • Impart a rigorous, contemporary education that fosters critical, creative, and reflective thinking; complex problem solving; excellent communication skills; and the application of knowledge for the betterment of society.
  • Expand opportunities for students to deepen their intellectual pursuits through research, creative expression in the arts, international study programs, internships, capstone experiences, senior design projects, and other high-impact forms of experiential learning.
  • Create flexible—formal and informal—collaborative learning spaces, leverage cutting-edge educational technologies, and foster innovative pedagogical approaches to promote active and adaptive learning.
  • Structure an integrative set of developmental experiences for first- and second-year undergraduate students that nurture habits of mind and heart and prepare them for a life of ongoing intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth.
  • Enhance opportunities for students to deepen their own spirituality and faith commitments while coming to understand and honor the religious traditions and philosophical backgrounds of others.

Key Features Include:

  • Construction of an Art and Art History building
  • Development of a Center for the Arts and Humanities
  • Expanded internships, fellowships, capstone projects, and international opportunities
  • State-of-the-art classrooms, studios, and labs
  • Technology-enhanced teaching and learning
  • Greater capacity for residential living
  • Enhanced integrated undergraduate experience across the first two years
  • Wellness, prevention, and intervention programs
  • Enhanced opportunities for spiritual growth


Santa Clara University has delivered a rigorous and reflective liberal arts education to undergraduates since its founding as a Jesuit university in 1851. Years later, Santa Clara created opportunities for students to study engineering and business in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Over the past century, the University further expanded, offering graduate education with advanced degrees in law, engineering, business, counseling psychology, education, theological studies, and pastoral ministry.

The Jesuit ideal of educating the whole person is the foundation for all of the degree programs. Beyond acquiring deep knowledge and skills in their chosen field of study, Santa Clara students develop lifelong habits of mind and heart.

Through the defined objectives, Santa Clara University will provide a personalized and enhanced Jesuit education by strategically incorporating technological advances, pedagogical innovations, and high-impact experiential learning.