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WAVE High Performance Computing (HPC) Center


The WAVE High Performance Computing (HPC) Center is a state-of-the-art computing facility serving the research computational needs of the Santa Clara University community. The center is a central part of WAVE within the university. Comprising high-performance computing resources, large data storage, and an advanced visualization laboratory, WAVE enables a diverse range of faculty research as well as interdisciplinary coursework and research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. WAVE's mission is to offer flexible, cutting-edge computing capabilities that foster the highest-quality basic and applied research while enabling cross-disciplinary collaborations.

The WAVE HPC Cluster

The WAVE HPC is a cluster of powerful multi-core/multi-socket servers with high performance storage, GPUs, and large memory, tied together by a fast inter-connection network. It is designed to support some of the most compute and memory intensive programs developed today. While the HPC cluster is designed for software that works across multiple nodes, each node in itself is a powerful machine that can cover the computational needs of most users.

Access to the WAVE HPC

The WAVE HPC is available to all faculty, staff and students at the university. Students will require a faculty sponsor to access the WAVE HPC system.


The WAVE HPC sits within the University's central data center and is accessible through on-campus networks and through the University's Virtual Private Network (VPN).  Users can find detailed information about accessing the WAVE HPC, as well as a user guide on setting up and submitting jobs on the WAVE HPC Wiki page (requires on-campus network or VPN login).


For additional information, or to request access to the WAVE HPC, contact the support team at