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Wiegand Advanced Visualization Environment


Accelerate your reserach and see it in a whole new way.


The Wiegand Advanced Visualization Environment (WAVE) is an innovative environment, combining a start-of-the-art computing facility (WAVE HPC Center), with a laboratory of cutting-edge visualization technology (WAVE+Imaginarium Lab).  It creates a comprehensive toolset that fosters the highest-quality basic and applied research, while enabling cross-disciplinary collaborations throughout the university.

Image of computer servers in WAVE High Performance Computing (HPC) Center
Navigate here to WAVE HPC Center

The WAVE High Performance Computing (HPC) Center is a state-of-the-art computing facility serving the teaching and research computational needs of the Santa Clara University community.

Image of a desktop in WAVE Imaginarium Lab
Navigate here to WAVE+Imaginarium Lab

The WAVE+Imaginarium Lab is a collaborative and interdisciplinary space dedicated to mixed reality (VR, AR, mixed reality), data visualization, digital art, and game design.

More on the background and history of WAVE can be found in About WAVE.