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Department ofBiology


  • Rising to the Challenge of Virtual Labs

    Virtual Labs at Santa Clara University were never what the faculty nor students expected, but with creativity, open mindedness, and diligence, spring quarter opened new doors for an effective, remote learning experience.

  • Owning STEM

    The De Novo Fellowship helps students from underrepresented groups to attend industry conferences and conduct research in STEM.

  • The Mystery of Motile Cilia

    These whip-like organelles help protect humans from disorders like hydrocephaly and epilepsy, but scientists are puzzled by their structure. Through an NIH-funded research project, Brian Bayless and his student researchers hope to shed light on the “unique case” of motile cilia.

  • Following Your Gut

    When scientific studies of microbiomes sounded too good to be true, cross-country runners Kaitlyn Twadell ’22 and Hope Olbricht ’22 started their own research project to put the findings to the test.