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Department ofChemistry and Biochemistry


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Paul Abbyad and Student Publish Article

Prof. Paul Abbyad published a peer-reviewed research paper in the journal Lab on a Chiptitled: "Sorting by Interfacial Tension (SIFT): Label-free selection of live cells based on single-cell metabolism." This paper presents a novel passive method to sort live single cells without the use of labels, excitation laser, detectors or active sorting components. The technique has potential in isolating particularly malignant cancer cells without the use of markers by exploiting a defining trait of cancer cells, their aberrant metabolism. This paper is very much a lab group effort with SCU freshman to recent grads as co-authors: Ching Pan '18 (Biochemistry), Dan Horvath '18 (Bioengineering), Sam Braza '20 (Biochemistry), Trevor Moore '17 (Chemistry), Bella Lynch '20 (Biochemistry) and Cameron Feit '21 (Biology). The paper was selected as the front cover of the journal. It was also selected by the editor as a “HOT” paper designated to the top 10% of papers published in Lab on a Chip. This selection is based on positive referee reports and editor’s assessment of impact and significance.