The Center's subscription-based curricula for middle school and high school language arts are used by individual schools, districts, and county offices of education throughout the country. They are appropriate for mainstream, alternative, court community, homeschool, and community day school settings.
Character Based Literacy

The Character Based Literacy Program is a character education project, and it is a literacy project which promotes school practices by which school pupils become good people, good citizens. CBL utilizes the English language arts curriculum because literacy is fundamental to success in school and in life, for all students. It is also a natural place to pursue questions of value and character as they occur in literature and writing. This pursuit continues in the history-social science and science curriculum areas.
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Independent Study
Independent Study provides weekly lesson plans for independent study, rural, small school, and home schooling settings. The lesson plans are based on the Character Based Literacy Program.
CBL Leadership

CBL Leadership is organized around the content and themes of the World History and United States History courses. Lesson plans integrate language arts with the history curriculum, using six character-based themes to teach students the habits of ethical analysis and action. This program is mapped to the Common Core State Standards in ELA/History/Social Studies.