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Online Courses

The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics offers a free Massive Open Online Cours (MOOC) in Character Education to the public. The MOOC is hosted on Canvas and is taught by Yael Kidron, former director of Character Education at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Raising Ethical Children and Teens

Raising Ethical Children and Teens

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The development of character virtues and moral reasoning skills impacts all aspects of young people’s lives, including academic success, mental and physical health, and social relationships. This course aims to promote understanding of the ethical issues that children and teens grapple with. It is appropriate for parents, counselors, tutors, and mentors, who need practical information about how to best promote ethical decision-making and behavior. The course focuses on the home environment as an important setting for building trust and support. Each module includes an overview of the ethical issues and practical ideas for action.

Modules will dive into topics that affect children and teens' everyday lives:

  • Ethical Development
  • The Moral Self
  • Moral Courage
  • Honesty
  • Responsible Internet Use
  • Cyberbullying
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Literary Imagination
  • Self Regulation

No specific background or preparation is necessary.


Through participation in this course, participants will learn about:

  • The ethical challenges that children and teens face
  • Effective practices to support ethical reasoning
  • The role of parents and legal guardians in promoting children and teens’ ethical growth

Target Audience

This course was designed for parents and legal guardians, as well as educators and counselors working with families, and tutors or mentors who seek to promote social, emotional, and character development in young people.

Course Instructors

Yael Kidron, former director of Character Education at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Guest instructor: Dr. Michele Borba, a globally recognized educational psychologist and an expert in character development, empathy, and resilience.