Robin's parents are out of town so she decides to throw a little party with her friends. Robin, Will, Jen, and Andrew are drinking and watching television. Chris is outside with others. ANDREW: God, Robin, I can't believe that you made us watch "Grease." ROBIN: What are you taking about? It's like the best movie ever. WILL: I hate musicals. It's like "West Side Story." I'm really sure that during gang wars, guys are going around dancing with each other to settle everything. ROBIN: Don't be stupid. It's supposed to be symbolic. Besides, everyone knows that's a great movie. It won Best Picture. WILL: Just because a movie wins Best Picture doesn't mean it's good. Look, even to discuss crappy movies, I'm going to need another drink. ROBIN: Well, there's plenty more beer outside in the cooler. ANDREW: I can't believe that you got all these people here. I think that it's going really well. It was a good idea to set up the garage for dancing. WILL: You mean we could have been dancing instead of here watching this stupid movie? ROBIN: Oh come on, I needed a break from all those people. I'm on my way back down. Jen? JEN: What? ROBIN: How are you doing, hon? JEN: Just fabulous. You know, if you mix rum with Coke, it actually tastes pretty good. ANDREW: How many of those have you had. (He looks at her drink; it's one of those big sport cups.) JEN: I dunno - a couple or three. I dunno. (Just then Chris comes in.) CHRIS: Hey guys, how's everything going? ROBIN: Good. I think that Jen's been hitting it a little hard, though. Maybe you should go upstairs and lie down. JEN: Huh? ROBIN: I said, maybe you should go upstairs and lie down. JEN: Sure, why not? (She gets up, a little weak in the knees. She is obviously quite intoxicated.) ROBIN: Here, let me help you. (Chris goes over to her side.) CHRIS: Here, I'll give you a hand. (He takes her arm and gets ready to walk her to the next room.) WILL: She going to be ok? ANDREW: Sure, she just needs to lie down for a while. ROBIN: Well, Chris, I'll just be outside. We're going to go dance for a while. You need a hand? CHRIS: We'll be fine. (Robin leaves with Will. But Andrew stays for a moment.) ANDREW: Chris, are you sure you're okay? CHRIS: We'll be fine. (Chris leads Jen into the bedroom and shuts the door behind them.) JEN: Thanks, Chris. (She's being slightly, unintentionally flirtatious.) CHRIS: No problem. You don't think that I'd just let you pass out on the kitchen floor, do you? JEN: (Laughs) No. CHRIS: I'll take care of you. (He stands behind her and rubs her shoulders.) JEN: Thanks, that feels good. CHRIS: Oh. (He starts kissing the back of her neck.) JEN: (playfully) Oh, stop it, Chris. CHRIS: (Doesn't stop.) I'm not doing anything. JEN: (A little more uncomfortable.) Chris, really, stop it. CHRIS: (Stops for a minute.) What's wrong? JEN: I just don't feel right about this. CHRIS: (He goes around and sits beside her on the bed.) I'm not going to hurt you. You trust me, don't you? JEN: Well, yeah. CHRIS: (leans in and kisses her again.) See, it's not so bad. (He keeps kissing her.) (Jen starts to push him away, but he too strong for her, holding her arms at her sides. She struggles.) JEN: Chris--stop it. Stop it! CHRIS: It's ok, it's ok. JEN: Chris! (He is on top of her as she screams.) (It's later on, and Chris goes downstairs where Robin and Andrew are sitting in the living room.) ROBIN: How's Jen? CHRIS: Uh, she's fine. She's just sleeping now. I've got to take off. (He leaves.) Happy Ending ROBIN: She's fine. She just needs to lie down for a while. CHRIS: Here, let me help. (Chris helps her to her feet.) (Jen leans on Chris' shoulder as he leads her up to the room.) ROBIN: Chris, are you two going to be all right? CHRIS: Yeah, we'll be fine, won't we? (Jen looks slightly uneasy.) JEN: I think I'm okay to go dance. ANDREW: We'll, here why don't you lie down in Robin's room and we'll watch Terminator. ROBIN: Oh, gag. WILL: Come on, Robin, if we had to sit through Grease. ROBIN: Ok. (They all go to watch the movie together.) For Freshman Resident Community Messageboard, click here |
Nov 5, 2014