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Department ofEnglish


Four smiling women in a collage labeled '2015-students.jpg'.

Four smiling women in a collage labeled '2015-students.jpg'.

Congratulations to our Spring 2015 English students

Our Spring 2015 English students' work was recognized on the de Saisset exhibit at Santa Clara University.

Congratulations to the following freshman whose reviews of current de Saisset Museum exhibits, written for English 2A Critical Thinking and Writing II: Art, Culture & Social Justice, have been selected for publication on the museum's website.

A person smiling in a close-up photo. Katyayani Pathaki

Katyayani Pathak is a Freshman at SCU double majoring in Business and Music. Prior to joining SCU, she took a gap year to work in India at The Energy Research Institute (TERI) in the area of environmental studes, exploring her interest in entrepreneurship in green technologies. Her other area of interest is music. She was a member of the El Camino Youth Symphony for several years and currently enjoys composing music in various genres. Katyayani also enjoys painting and hiking in her spare time. 

Smiling person with long hair and a light-colored top. Kimberly Ramos

Kimberly Ramos is freshman Psychology major and Studio Art minor. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, listening to music, baking, and participating in Barkada (the Filipino student organization of SCU).

Smiling person with foliage in the background. Katerina Mery

Katerina is a freshman at Santa Clara University. She is from Portland, Oregon and has a passion for all things artistic. Though currently Undeclared, she plans to graduate with a degree in something that allows her to express herself creatively and create meaningful change in the world.

Person wearing glasses and a patterned shirt, smiling at the camera. Zereen Kazi

Hailing from the town of Cupertino, CA, Zerreen Kazi currently attends Santa Clara University as an undergraduate student. She is currently double-majoring in Biology and Spanish with a minor in Biotech. Outside of her academic foci, Zerreen enjoys entertaining herself with music, scientific/technological discoveries, and podcasts.