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June 01, 2020 Presidential Action related to Graduate Students and Researchers from China

June 01, 2020 Presidential Action related to Graduate Students and Researchers from China

Starting on June 1, 2020 at 12:00pm EDT, the proclamation suspends citizens of China who are currently or have previously been employed by, studied at, received educational funding from, or conducted research at or on behalf of an entity in China that implements or supports the “military-civil fusion strategy” from entering the U.S. in F or J immigration status as graduate students or researchers. This does not impact any undergraduate students. This does not impact students who are not from China.  We expect that this will primarily be implemented by the U.S. Embassy and Consulates abroad when a student or scholar applies for a visa stamp. Additionally, it could be implemented at the border when a student or scholar seeks to enter to start or even continue an academic or research program. Both the U.S. Department of State (which manages the U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad and the visa issuance process) as well as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (which manages Customs and Border Patrol and the U.S. arrival process) have been directed to develop rules and processes around this presidential proclamation in the next 60 days.