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Natasha (Nat) Civ
Study Abroad Advisor

Natasha Civ (formerly Spradlin) is originally from Cincinnati, OH, and graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2018 with a B.A. in Political Science. During her undergraduate career, she studied abroad twice in a total of four countries (Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine) and worked as an International Education Student Ambassador. Post-grad, Nat joined the field of international education as a Study Abroad Advisor, and participated in a unique opportunity as an on-site program coordinator for a faculty-led program in Scotland & Northern Ireland.
In her current role as SCU's Study Abroad staff advisor, Nat connects students with global opportunities and helps them identify how they can incorporate their international experiences into personal, professional, and academic goals. In her spare time, you'll find her studying democracy, building her language skills, and volunteering with local environmental groups.