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Jean Donovan Fellows are responsible for contacting and applying to work with a non-profit community-based organization of their choice. By the time of application applicants should be in contact with desired placement to discuss plans for Fellowship experience. This opportunity provides Fellows with the opportunity to work with organizations that are most closely matched with their academic and social justice interests.

Fellows should seek a placement with a non-profit and/or community-based organization where at least half of the Fellow’s work is accompaniment-based service. 

Suggested steps for communicating with organizations:

  1. Fellows are encouraged to do thoughtful research before reaching out to organizations.
  2. Fellows are expected to work for 6 weeks, or longer. Start and end dates for the Fellowship can be based on Fellows’ availability and organizational needs. 
  3. Fellows are encouraged to reach out to 1+ organizations via email and phone and should have a minimum of 1 phone conversation with volunteer coordinator/supervisor at the organization. Questions that may guide those conversations are the following:
      • Tell me more about the programs/services your organization offers.
      • What are the community needs your organization is addressing? 
      • Tell me about some of the clients or community served through your organization.
      • What are current issues facing your organization and community?
      • Is there an opportunity for me to volunteer with your organization? Are there opportunities for me to work in a role accompaniment-based service with your organization and what might this look like?

Placement Organizations - In recent years Fellows have worked and had very meaningful in-person experiences with the following organizations:

  • Sacred Heart Community Service - San Jose 
  • La Mesa Verde - San Jose 
  • LEAF CA - San Jose
  • Martha’s Kitchen - San Jose
  • Garden to Table - San Jose
  • 826 Valencia - San Francisco 
  • St. Anthony Foundation - San Francisco 
  • St. Vincent de Paul - Various locations 
  • Faithful Fools - San Francisco 
  • Rachel’s Women’s Center - San Diego
  • Redwood Empire Food Bank - Santa Rosa, CA 
  • International Rescue Committee - Various locations
  • Virginia Garcia Memorial Health - Portland
  • Boys and Girls Club - Various locations
  • The LGBT Youth Space - San Jose
  • Community Legal Services - East Palo Alto 
  • Soccer without Borders - Oakland
  • Catholic Community Services of Lane County - Eugene, OR
  • Green Scholars Program - Santa Clara, CA

These organizations offer fully coordinated opportunities for volunteers with community-based organizations and typically offer multiple placement options, housing, airport transfer, arrival orientation, etc.


Donovan Fellows have worked with some of these organizations in the past and have
reached out directly to their staff to logistics related to volunteer role, housing,
transportation, etc…


Thriving Neighbors Initiative | SCU | San Jose, CA
● International Rescue Committee - IRC
● Gardener Family Health Clinic - San Jose, CA
● MACLA - San Jose, CA
● Educators for Fair Consideration - Bay Area, CA
● Tubman House - Sacramento, CA
● Youth United for Community Action - East Palo Alto
● Sacred Heart Community Service - San Jose, CA - Recommended Placement!
● St. Anthony Foundation - San Francisco, CA
● Faithful Fools - San Francisco, CA
● Homesafe - Santa Clara | San Jose, CA
● Cali Immigration - Santa Clara, CA
● Civic Corps - Oakland, CA
● National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - Oakland, CA
● Alba - Salinas, CA
● Neighborhood Legal Services of LA County - Los Angeles, CA
● Esperanza Immigration Rights Project - Los Angeles, CA
● East LA Community Corporation - Los Angeles, CA
● Francis House Center - Sacramento, CA
● Women’s Wisdom ART - Sacramento, CA
● Rachel's Women's Center - San Diego, CA

Other States

Bethlehem Farm - West Virginia
● Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project - West Virginia
● Artists Striving to End Poverty - Florida & India
● Women’s Lunch Place - Boston, MA
● Greater New Bedford Community Health - New Bedford, MA
● No More Deaths - Arizona/Mexico
● Food Works - Portland, OR
● Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Clinic - Portland, OR
● El Centro Humanitario - Denver, OR
● Casa Marianella - Austin, TX
● Casa Alitas - Tucson, AZ