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Career Center, Santa Clara University

Job Prep Toolkit Logo 

Feel free to utilize the different Career Guides that we have curated for you to get started. You will find step-by-step recommendations on how to approach the professional development process and what resources to leverage. You are also welcomed to browse our resources below based on your current interests and needs!

Possible Careers

Give yourself the space and time to deepen your self awareness, connect your major to potential career options, engage in general occupational exploration, learn from others, and gain early career experience through professional work simulation. Clarity in these areas ultimately lead to more effective searches.

Your Personal Brand

The first step to telling your professional story is through crafting the following four essentials:

These four components to your personal brand are also the primary next steps to focus on as you consider applying to internships/jobs and start networking with folks.

Continue to refine your personal brand by bolstering your resume and supplementing your learning:

Your Professional Network

Your professional journey is not a solo endeavor! Leverage these platforms to build your professional network with SCU Alumni and other professionals:

As you conduct outreach to professionals and follow-up with employers, utilize the following tips and tools to engage professionally and meaningfully

For Internships and Jobs

When you’re ready to begin your search, there are a variety of ways to connect with employers and opportunities. Use these and additional resources and to find positions on and off campus, learn about upcoming events, and research opportunities abroad:  

For Interviews

The interview is another important step in telling your professional story. Whether virtual or in-person, we have resources to help you practice for and ace your upcoming interviews, including free access to Big Interview an online platform that provides interviewing tips and allows you to practice industry specific questions in a virtual mock interview format.

Salaries & Job Offers

Have a job offer in-hand and wonder what comes next? Or, would you just like to be prepared for when the day comes? Surprisingly, there's a lot more to consider than just the salary when evaluating a job offer.