Chris Menezes '10 puts his talents to work at Disney
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering features a balanced core program in which each student studies the engineering aspects of software and hardware as well as the mathematical foundations of computation. The computer science and engineering electives permit students to build on this core with varying emphasis, depending on their interests.
Students must also complete the University Core Curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in the engineering school and sufficient electives for a total of 189 units.
Computer Science and Engineering
- ENGR 1 — Introduction to Engineering
- CSEN 11 — Advanced Programming
- CSEN 12 — Abstract Data Types and Data Structures
- CSEN 19 — Discrete Mathematics
- CSEN 20 — Embedded Systems
- CSEN 79 — OO Programming and Advanced Data Structures
- CSEN 122 — Computer Architecture
- CSEN 146 — Computer Networks
- CSEN 171 — Design and Implementation of Programming Languages
- CSEN 174 — Software Engineering
- CSEN 175 — Formal Language Theory and Compiler Construction
- CSEN 177 — Operating Systems
- CSEN 179 — Theory of Algorithms
- CSEN 192 — Introduction to Senior Design
- CSEN 194 (or ENGR 194), 195 (or ENGR 195), 196 (or ENGR 196)— Design Project I, II, III
- Three upper-division electives (12 units minimum) selected from CSEN 101–180, ELEN 115, 133, and 134
Note: 6 units of CSEN 193 or 4 units of CSEN 199 may be used as one elective. At most one upper-division MATH or CSCI course may be used as an elective with advisor approval.
CSEN 10 (Introduction to Programming) may be waived by demonstrating equivalent programming proficiency, such as by having AP credit or by passing the department’s programming diagnostic exam. In March 2012, the department clarified the minimum unit total for electives, since some students opted to take 2-unit graduate classes as electives.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ECEN 21 — Introduction to Logic Design
- ECEN 50 — Electric Circuits I
- ECEN 153 — Digital Integrated Circuit Design
- ENGL 181 — Engineering Communications: Practical Writing and Presentation Skills for Engineers
Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- MATH 11, 12, 13, 14 — Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, II, III, IV
- PHYS 31, 32, 33 — Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, II, III
- CHEM 11 — General Chemistry I
- AMTH 106 (or MATH 22) — Differential Equations
- AMTH 108 — Probability and Statistics
- One of the following:
- MATH 53 — Linear Algebra
- CSCI 166 — Numerical Analysis
- AMTH 118 — Numerical Methods
Effective Fall 2010: approved substitutions for CHEM 11 are BIOL 18, CHEM 1, ENVS 21, and PHYS 34; approved substitutions for AMTH 106 are CHEM 12, BIOL 21, MATH 101-178, and any CHEM 11 substitution (if not already used for CHEM 11). All substitutions require the completion of a petition to substitute or waive. This list is subject to change without notice.
Educational Enrichment Requirement
An educational enrichment experience selected from one of the following options:
- Eight or more units in a study abroad program (cannot duplicate other coursework)
- Six or more units of CSEN 193 Undergraduate Research (cannot also be used as an elective)
- Twelve or more units selected in consultation with an advisor (cannot be used to satisfy University Core requirements, but a minor or second major may be used)
- Admission to one of the department’s master’s degree programs and completion of twelve or more units of graduate coursework