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Trans* Resources

Resources at Santa Clara University For Trans* and Gender Nonconforming Students

We decided to use the term trans* throughout this guide to be as inclusive as possible of our diverse community. We use trans* as an umbrella term to describe those who transgress social gender norms in a variety of ways, including those who experiment with gender; defy rigid, binary gender constructions; and who express or present a breaking and/or blurring of culturally prevalent gender roles. We use trans* to include but not limit it to:  androgynes, bayot, sadhin, transgender, hijra, mahu, gender variant, baki, travesti, trans-masculine, kathoey, bi-genders, two-spirit, genderqueer, stud, trans-feminine, no-genders...those who see gender as having more than two possibilities, and those who live between or beyond existing options.


Is Santa Clara University an accepting place for trans* students?

While being a trans* student at Santa Clara (or most places) isn’t without some difficulty, there are students, staff, and faculty that are accepting. It might also be uncomfortable having to come out multiple times.


What is the trans* community at Santa Clara University like?

The trans* community here is very small. Students have come out at different times in their lives. Often, students choose to only share their trans* identities with their close friends. There are also a few trans* staff and faculty members who are out. All in all, there are many opportunities for you to contribute to the advocacy and growth of trans* awareness at Santa Clara.


How do I go about telling my professors my pronouns and that I’d like to be called by a name that doesn’t match what they have on their class roster?

Feel free to use this letter template when emailing your professors before the term.



I am a student in your (insert class name here). I am getting in contact with you to let you know that I identify as (insert identify here). My name will probably show up on your roster as (insert legal name here), but I would prefer you go by (insert chosen name here) and (masculine/feminine/neutral) pronouns. I will be putting (insert chosen name here) on my assignments and would appreciate it if you called me that in class.


Thank you very much,

(Sign with chosen name)


How can I change my name on my professors’ class rosters?

Students who wish to update their preferred name should click on the Student Profile tile in their eCampus record and then click on the link to their Preferred Name, where they are able to change their preferred name, which will then appear on Class and Grade Rosters.  Keep in mind, however, that any change made to the student’s Preferred Name, will not change the student’s name on any official documents, such as their transcript and enrollment verification certificate, or SCU email account. This can create confusion when a faculty member or administrator finds two completely different names for the same person. When students are set to graduate, the Office of the Registrar will ask them to indicate what name they wish to have on their diploma.

How can I change my name on my email address? My ID card?

Staff and faculty may contact Cheryl Johnson in Human Resources to fill out a new biographical data sheet. This will initiate email change without need of legal name change.

Students must contact Office of the Registrar.

Any changes to your campus ID can only be done with proof of any other legal identification.


How can I change my name and gender marker at Santa Clara University?

Currently, our processes require that individuals have first legally changed their identity documents to qualify for changes on their university records, university email, and university ID.

Faculty Staff Checklist

Student Checklist


Are there gender-neutral bathrooms on campus? Where are they located?

Gender Neutral Restrooms on campus


What do I do if I’m uncomfortable with my current housing situation?

Contact Marc Alejandro at


I don’t feel comfortable going home anymore. Where can I stay when campus is closed during winter and summer break?

Contact Marc Alejandro at


How can I access trans*- specific mental health care at Santa Clara?

Visit CAPS in Cowell Center for more information.


What if my parents have threatened to stop paying my tuition if I decide to transition?

Visit for more information.


I want to study abroad while at Santa Clara University. Will my trans* identity make that process difficult?

Visit these websites for more information