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Dining Plans

Resident Dining Plans

The dining plan is a quarterly allocation of purchasing points for students who live on-campus or in SCU neighborhood units. There is no predetermined number of meals per week, so you won’t lose out if you leave campus for a few days. First-years can only select from the Preferred or Basic Plan. Sophomores can select from three plans, the Preferred, Basic and the Apartment Plan (if they are living in an apartment style accommodation). Juniors and Seniors can select from four plans, either the Preferred, Basic, Junior/Senior Plan and the Apartment Plan (if living in an apartment style accommodation).

Each year, the dining plans include the respective number of points. Each point is equal to a dollar. The 2024-25 dining plans are the following:

Basic Plan - 2109 points per quarter

Preferred Plan - 2467 points per quarter

Junior/Senior Plan - 1448 points per quarter

Apartment Plan - 316 points per quarter

Law Students - 474 per semester

Graduate Students - 316 per quarter

If you run out of dining points during a quarter you can add points to the Dining Plus Plan, which will allow you to continue purchasing food on campus tax-free.

Dining Plus Plan for Residents and Commuters 

Are you a resident student who has run out of money on your resident dining plan before the end of the quarter?  Or are you a commuter student who is staying on campus during the day and eating at SCU dining venues?  If yes to either of these questions, than the Dining Plus Plan is for you. Simply add points to the Dining Plus Plan through the ACCESS Office, located in the Benson Memorial Center, or online. The Dining Plus Plan allows you to eat at all campus venues tax-free, saving 9% on each food purchase. The unspent balance carries over from quarter to quarter and year to year until graduation. Dining Plus points are non-refundable and non-transferable.