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Department ofCommunication


Three people talking around a table with colorful papers and books.

Three people talking around a table with colorful papers and books.

The Science of Happiness

Students in Dr. SunWolf's senior thesis course deliver a mini-lecture to members of Santa Clara University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

Senior thesis students studying with Dr. SunWolf had the unique opportunity to give a mini-lecture in February on "The Science of Happiness" to 45 members of Santa Clara University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, a program for adults 50 years or older who take courses without grading, tests, or papers from SCU professors. These senior thesis students had all previously taken The Science of Happiness (COMM100) course, in which they learned new research on neuroscience, the brain, communication, social behaviors, and happiness. In their senior thesis seminar, they mastered still more scholarly works on happiness, addressing the question 'When we get what we wanted, why doesn't it always make us happy?'

Samantha Wenzel discusses the science of happiness with Osher Lifelong Learning Institute members.