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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science


A person smiling, wearing a dark shirt against a plain background.

A person smiling, wearing a dark shirt against a plain background.

Computer Science and Mathematics Major to attend Budapest Summer Program in Mathematics

Junior Math/CS double major Alex Ripley has exciting news: He has been accepted to the prestigious Budapest Summer Program in Mathematics and plans to spend two months in the historic city, studying with other talented mathematics students from around the world. 

The program offers intensive classes that meet two hours each day, with a focus on problem-solving, student creativity, and group learning. By all accounts, the program changes the lives of students who are lucky enough to be accepted through the competitive application procedure.

Alex hails from Anchorage, Alaska. In addition to studying mathematics and computer science, Alex also plays piano, guitar, and saxophone. Upon completion of his degrees at SCU, he plans on attending graduate school in mathematics. We wish him well on his summer adventure, and in the future.
